Medifirst Ibuprofen Pain Tablets Compare to Advil (100 ct)

Medifirst Ibuprofen Pain Tablets Compare to AdvilI like the individual packages. The wrapper is easy to open so it doesn't give you a headache trying to open it. I like that you can pt them anywhere. Purse, car, camping equipment and desk drawer.

Ibuprofen is a good over the counter analgesic (pain reliever) that works on mild to moderate pain. Ibuprofen is the generic drug name,and is the active ingredient in Advil and Motrin.

It comes in 200 milligam tablets/capsules. For most mild aches, it can be quite effective. Not only does Ibuprofen relieve pain, but it also is a real good anti-inflammatory medication (it lessens swelling). Thus it is also good for arthritis pain, any joint or muscle sprains or strains, and real good for toothache pain too.

If two tablets are taken, it is equivalent to the previously by prescription only product, "Motrin". Two tablets, or 400 mg of Ibuprofen is for mild to moderate pain. Three tablets, 600 mg, is for moderate to moderately severe pain. All three doses, 200, 400, and 600 mg can be taken every 4 hours as needed for pain. Four tablets is the highest prescribed dose (800 mg), and should only be taken once every 6 hours. Reserve the four tablet dosaging for your really severe pain. The 800mg dose is equivalent to Tylenol #3 (anetaminophen with codiene), another good pain reliever.

Ibuprofen can cause stomach upset and mild stomach bleeding, therefore, always take it with a large cup of water and to minimize gastric upset, eat something with it, like some yogurt, some applesauce, a piece of toast, etc. The extra food will help protect your gut.

LIke any medication, Ibuprofen should not be taken day after day for an extended period of time without a doctor's supervision. Ibuprofen in higher doses or low continuous doses can damage your liver and kidneys. If you are planning to use Ibuprofen for only a few days, you should be able to tolerate 2-3 tablets every 4-6 hours as needed (provided you are a generally healthy adult, are not allergic to Ibuprofen, have no existing liver or kidney disease, and have no stomach ulcers or chronic gut condition like Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Chron's Disease.

How you purchase Ibuprofen is up to you, but there are some real good generic Ibuprofen products that are less than half the cost of the "name brand" products (Advil, Motrin). Both the generic and the name brand are equal in terms of strength and effectiveness. The only thing different about the name brand is fancier packaging and perhaps easier to swallow dose forms.

I buy my Ibuprofen in the generic form; not only do I get it cheaper, I get more tablets too.

Jim "Konedog" Koenig

Buy Medifirst Ibuprofen Pain Tablets Compare to Advil (100 ct) Now

Single dose packets of analgesic for my various first aid kits. I don't get headaches that often, so mostly this kind of thing just sits around until it expires, but it is a handy size to fit in a first aid kit.

Read Best Reviews of Medifirst Ibuprofen Pain Tablets Compare to Advil (100 ct) Here

BP Medical gave really good customer service. They accidentally shipped me the wrong medicine I ordered. When I contacted them, they sent out the correct med AND let me keep the incorrect one that I didn't order saving me time not having to ship that one back. Recommend. Will use this company again. We like the individual meds for our first aid kits. Thanks.

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