Easy Care Easy Access Bandage Fabric

Easy Care Easy Access Fabric Bandage, 1x3, 30 CountI like plastic bandages because they are water resistant (I wash my hands a lot), but my family members like the flexible fabric ones. These are good quality bandages! We've all gotten really good at the grip pull stick and it takes us like 5 seconds to put one on now. I can't believe we used to deal with the old style of bandages for so many years. So glad Easy Access Bandages available at Amazon.

I have always preferred the more recognized brands of bandages, but recently I picked these up at a local store to give them a try on a whim. These bandages are AMAZING. They stay on very well (no more of the two-bandage application to hold a first bandage on) and are extremely simple to put on. I always seemed to tear the conventional packages too roughly, tearing the bandage or sticking it to itself but this simple, straightforward package pretty much eliminates that problem. If you pull on them too fast sometimes the bandage "rebounds" on itself and sticks, but overall I had no problem using these to dress a wound with one hand alone, and the staying power of these things is great--just as good as a traditional brand, if not better. In fact, these stayed on a difficult area better than a normal name brand bandage did! They kept falling off, but these suckers stayed on fine. I also like that the adhesive area goes all around the pad, sealing out dirt/debris. Nice touch :)

I'm very impressed by these!

Buy Easy Care Easy Access Bandage Fabric Now


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