Mueller HG80 Tennis/Golf Elbow Support

Mueller HG80 Tennis/Golf Elbow Support - One - BlackI have tennis elbow and have been struggling with it for close to a year. Long story short (too late!), this support helps keep the stress off of my elbow when I work out. I am able to do more in the gym confortably while wearing it than without it. I tighten it just before I use my left arm and loosen it afterwards to allow better blood flow. I have been using it for several months. If it leaves a mark for more than a few minutes then you are tightening it too much. I am in no way a body builder and I found this product to be very helpful.

After developing tennis elbow over the past year, mostly from playing competitive softball 4x/wk at the age of 47, I could barely lift a carton of milk. There were very few quality supports/straps offered in the Toronto, Canada area, where I live. I ordered this one without even trying it on beforehand. Not only does it fit perfectly, and is comfortable and nonrestrictive to wear, but I have been putting it to the test for the past month since my 2012 ball season has begun. Needless to say, the support is fabulous. I am not only able to catch hard thrown balls into my glove without any discomfort, but the strength and precision of my hitting is both further and stronger since wearing this. Although it does tend to become wet with perspiration, there is no slipping and no odour. It is easy to hand wash, as well.

Buy Mueller HG80 Tennis/Golf Elbow Support Now

Not knowing much about support straps, I read the feedback on the HG80 first, primarily because my elbow and its related muscles were sore. I accidently banged my elbow against a tree while picking up limbs in the yard and it remains sore. I also play disc golf and compete in several tournaments a month. My sidearm and backhand throws depend on my elbow being pretty much pain free. I felt it was getting worse everytime I played. Its not a severe thing to stop you from playing but it was just staying sore. I purchased the Mueller HG80 to help remedy the problem, partly because it looks sporty and has great feedback from others who are using it. A wise choice, it provides the comfort that I need and there is no pain while playing. My complete remedy was to first put an elastic sleeve over your elbow and then attach the HG80 just below the elbow, strapping it firm enough so as not to slip. Its working as the elbow is getting better and starting to feel good. Hey! Mission accomplished!

Read Best Reviews of Mueller HG80 Tennis/Golf Elbow Support Here


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