Detachol Adhesive Remover 2/3 cc Vials (by the Each)

Detachol Adhesive Remover 2/3 cc VialsI used Tear Mender to set (glue) my dog's ears down. This product was recommended to remove the glue. Unfortunately, I played cheap and ordered this size. I didn't realize that the vial didn't just have to break the glass vial! So by the time I carefully cracked the vial open a little and stuck a needle in to suck up the Detachol, I was left with 1/3cc. The product works, but the packaging and small quantity made it useless for me. Now I have to wait and spend more money to order a 0.5oz bottle or larger. Heck, since it DOES work and it DOESN'T smell terrible like Goo Gone--I have plenty of uses for this product. I will buy a large bottle and save myself the headache! Detachol is a gentle product and did not irriate my skin or nose (or the dog's.)


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