10 Unit- 46 piece unitized ANSI kit- plastic case w/ gasket- 1 ea.

10 Unit- 46 piece unitized ANSI kit- plastic case w/ gasket- 1 ea.
  • Found in At Home > Emergency

I didn't know I'd be searching to the ends of the earth to find a little box that's OSHA compliant, i.e., containing all of the first aid kit components to meet the ANSI/ISEA Z308.1-2009 minimum standards. Several other first aid kits I browsed online left out some pieces such as the triangle bandage & substituted with an ACE bandage, or they lacked anti-biotic ointment, or contained other stuff not part of ANSI's minimum requirements such as bandage scissors, etc. This one contains the EXACT number of unitized pieces that are minimally required in a wall-mountable plastic case. The burn packs & anti-biotic ointment packs are good for about 3 years, so by purchasing this you shouldn't receive something old.

The reason why I deduct 1 star is because the case itself is kind of a joke. It's one huge piece of plastic & the so-called "hinges" are just where the plastic is really thin. Bend it enough times & I'm sure the hinges will break. The rubber gasket is fine, but because the case is a piece of junk I highly doubt it'll keep out water if it received a good soaking from a fire sprinkler or something.

I don't blame the product. I think the ANSI standard itself needs some revising to make sure that cases are better constructed. My home first aid kit box is much sturdier than this product. That's because I bought an empty box of my own choosing & filled it myself. I could tell the case for this product is junk just by looking at the pictures online, but I bought this for our office so that we would be better compliant with OSHA. So if your concern is to have what is minimally required for an office work environment so that OSHA doesn't get all in your face, then get this kit.

Addendum: The Emergency First Aid Guide booklet included, which covers everything from choking to strokes, doesn't have pictures. That's odd because I have a nearly identical book in my home kit WITH pictures. Again, I don't blame the product. In this case it's the American Red Cross who decided for some reason that pictures were not necessary.

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