The First Years American Red Cross On The Go First Aid Kit

The First Years American Red Cross On The Go First Aid KitWhile I like the idea of a First Aid Kit specific to infants and toddlers, there is nothing to this kit except a little gauze, band-aids, and cheap plastic tweezers. (And some alcohol wipes) The First Aid booklet is more of a pamphlet and contains the very basic stuff you learn in the 3rd grade Nothing too specific to infants or toddlers. I would have liked better quality items The tweezers are flimsy plastic and will not pull out much of anything. The same with the scissors. Go to your drug store and buy stainless steel tweezers and scissors, dressings, and a few saniwipes. You will pay less and get more use out of it.

On the bright side, the box looks nice and is pretty solid.


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