Systane Lubricant Eye Drops-0.01 oz, 28 ct Preservative Free Vials

Systane Lubricant Eye Drops-0.01 oz, 28 ct Preservative Free VialsI have two gifted eye surgeons as my Opthomologists; I have dry eyes because of the medications I take as well as extreme allergies...

FANTASTIC product!!!!! The drops are in separate vials (when ordered that way) to avoid eye infection......the drops are like real tears only better because they seem to have the ability to keep the eyes properly protected from dryness much longer than my own tear ducts...A NON-DRUG way of moistening itchy, sore dry eyes!!!!! They do not sting or iritate in any way, just he opposite.

Other brands have bottles with preservatives which can irritate

My opthamalogist recommended this product, after i tried other kinds of artificial tears for my post-surgery dryness, and to repair my cornea. The other products did nothing, this one works amazingly. And it is preservative free, which is important because preservatives irritate my eyes.

Buy Systane Lubricant Eye Drops-0.01 oz, 28 ct Preservative Free Vials Now


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