OLAES 6" Modular Bandage

OLAES 6' Modular BandageIt's a gunshot wound trauma bandage. Thankfully, I haven't had to use it, so I haven't opened it. But from everything I see, I like it.

I have played with most of the major brands, HH, IBD etc. They all work, so if you are very price sensitive just go with the cheapest. This one does have some nice features.

1. packaging, most all are vacuum sealed to compress them, this one seems to have held its seal much better than others

2. design, love the occular protector that is built in (the hard plastic center doubles as an eye protection dressing) not that useful but could be handy

3 design-2 and much more important the bulk of the dressing can be pulled out and and used in multiple locations (in and out for example), I carry additional gauze but this makes it less necessary, if you are limited on space this makes the dressing much more useful

Buy OLAES 6" Modular Bandage Now


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