I've had it for one day and it seems to be accurate. I calibrated the UA-787EJ against the manual setup (stethiscope, gauge and cuff) that I purchased last week and the readings are consistant. I read the first review that stated their disatisfaction b/c the readings were "high". I would recommend calibrating the unit yourself and if it is off, return it for another or a refund.
For the last week I've tested several monitors in the local stores (Omron, ReliOn, LifeSource) and I felt that all of them reported low BP readings. I even ordered one that was very eratic in its readings but was always 10 to 12 points lower than the readings taken w/a stethiscope (sometimes I used the BP machine at Wal-Mart, which seemed to be consistent). I returned it for a refund.
I work at a hospital, and a co-worker used the new UA-787EJ this morning, found that his blood pressure was very high, went down to ER and indeed it was extremely high. If you have doubts about the accuracy, I suggest purchasing the manual steth., gauge and cuff to do your own calibartion. It was the only way I could be confident the automatic unit was accurate and reliable. The manual setup only costs about $16.00 from Wal-Mart (maybe less from Amazon) and taking your BP is easy.After doing extensive research on the web, I purchased this item to replace a current blood pressure monitor. While the Easy Fit cuff was easy to place, the B/P readings obtained for my wife and myself were much higher than those obtained on our previous B/P cuff as well as higher than blood pressures taken at the doctor's office. Since we had no confidence in the accuracy of the readings, I returned the B/P cuff to Amazon for a refund.First, let me say that I use this monitor twice a day. I used to get very high readings until I followed the manual. I even took it to my doc to verify it was accurate. I learned to improve my readings by doing the following. I had to sit in front of my desk. Put my palm on the desk, face up. Make sure the white line on the armband was on the inside of my bicep and no talking. I take my reading 2-3 times per seating, with a 30-45 sec break between readings, to verify accuracy. Sounds like a lot...right. Not really. I've learned how to get accurate and consistent readings. I enter my best reading in iBP app for my IPhone. My doc was more than pleased to have so much information about my high blood pressure. This info helped him change my prescription to the proper med. I take less than 5 min twice a day to monitor my progress. I like this product. I would recommend it.This BP monitor is easy to use and set up. It is also very accurate and calibrated well with readings taken at the MD's office. Cuff accommodates several adult sized arms in the household.I am a 25 y/o male medical student in good health. knowing first-hand how important blood pressure is to one's overall health, i wanted to get a monitor so that i could accurately monitor my own pressures. so i bought this product becuase it got pretty good customer reviews and was also relatively inexpensive. however, i very quickly regretted my decision... this bp monitoring system gives dangerously inconsistent bp readings. there were times when i would get systolic readings as high as 160! because i eat healthy and run 4-5x per week, i was very skeptical of these readings, so i decided to bite the bullet and buy the more expensive "Lifesource UA-853ACP Premium Stand-Up Blood Pressure Monitor." i found the UA-853ACP to be a MUCH better system. it gives accurate, consistent results (my bp's are actually 120's over 70's).
So if i could give you one piece of advice, it would be to invest in the slightly more expensive UA-853ACP model, because it is definitely worth your money.
If you're interested, here is a link to the Lifesource UA-853ACP Premium Stand-Up Blood Pressure Monitor on Costco's website. this is where i ordered my product and found it to be the cheapest. also, if you order from costco, the product comes with a medium and large cuff and batteries to run the monitor. Good luck!
LifeSource UA-787EJ Quick Response Auto Inflate Blood Pressure Monitor with Easy-Fit Cuff, Pressure
Posted by
on Monday, September 9, 2013
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