Adventure Medical Kits QuikClot Pet Clot

Adventure Medical Kits QuikClot Pet ClotI'd read a review of the Quickclot Pet Clot on another website, and was impressed by it. I have a Lab with dew claws, and I was advised by my vet that the dog could easily "bleed out" if one of the dew claws snagged on a fence, or other obstruction, and was ripped off. So, I purchased this item to add to my basic first aid kit because I have a deep and abiding love for my dog, and do not want anything to happen to her. I am her adopted father, of course, and responsible for her life and safety. That said, I highly recommend this Pet Clot kit!

I have not had to use this product yet (fingers and paws crossed) but this is an ESSENTIAL item for all dog owners, particularly active breeds that are clumsy or prone to getting themselves into things they shouldn't.

Buy Adventure Medical Kits QuikClot Pet Clot Now

I bought this product for "just in case" I have it in my pack when I hike with my dogs. It is for either one of us. Hopefully I'll never use it!

Read Best Reviews of Adventure Medical Kits QuikClot Pet Clot Here


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