Spenco 2nd Skin Circles

Spenco 2nd Skin CirclesMy husband is a leg amputee and he uses these to pad sore spots on the stump. He is a very active, outdoors guy who skis his ass off in the winter and he's an animal clearing brush and cutting and hauling firewood in the warmer months, all thanks to 2nd Skin Circles.

This stuff works great on burns.I won't go without it.I keep it in the fridge.If you quickly apply this to a burn and reapply it and take some time, you will not get blistered or not as badly.Last week some hot grease popped unto my neck and cheek.It took 2-3 hours and an ice bag over about 6 disks (I changed them when they got warm),I did not blister and the by the second day you could not see anything.I thought surely I would blister--I did not.Once again it worked great!

Buy Spenco 2nd Skin Circles Now

Working as a Sports Trainer these circles come in very handy for the players that are just getting or already have blisters, the players state that the circles are great and provide good comfort..

Read Best Reviews of Spenco 2nd Skin Circles Here

This is the best stuff at preventing blisters from burns. I always have a jar of it in my fridge.Sometimes it takes a few hours to get the burn out, but using this and topping it with a bag of ice and soon a very bad can burn will not blister.It's expensive, but will worth it.

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