Mayday Economy 4 Person Honey Bucket Kit

Mayday Economy 4 Person Honey Bucket KitI bought this for my daughter who spent the winter in Colorado. It had a good collection of items, and the items were of good quality.

I just got this bag in. My first impression is that it's not the highest quality items in this bag, but it does seem to have everything that you need in case you get stranded somewhere. I added a better first-aid kit to it, plus a window breaking hammer, and 3 more triangles. I will add some flares later.

Recent storms has made me realize that carrying a road survival bag is a super good idea.


After going through this kit a little more, I feel that it is over-priced. I think that you can probably find a better roadside kits at a cheaper price here on Amazon.

Also a couple of the items listed in this kit were missing: The 'Revolving Sign Light' and the 'Distress Banner' was both missing.

The hand warmers are one-time-use chemical hand warmers.

I just dropped my opinion about this kit down to 3 stars. Winter is here and the items in this kit will probably come into play. But as I stated above, you can probably find a better kit here on Amazon.

Buy Mayday Economy 4 Person Honey Bucket Kit Now


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