3M STERI-STRIP Skin Closure - 1/2 x 4 - Envelope

3M STERI-STRIP Skin Closure - 1/2 x 4 - EnvelopeI fell into the corner of a wall while sleepwalking (I know, I know, how ridiculous) and managed to split open my chin. I had to get 8 stitches, and I had a huge gross stitched line on my chin, which is hardly the new accessory I wanted for my work look. I tried bandaids, but the face is an oily place, and they would just peel off all the time, especially with the location on my chin moving the bandage so much when I talked. Also, regular bandaids just look gross right on your face like that. Ugh. But then, I went to the doctor to get the stitches removed, and she used these steri-strips to hold the wound shut (they take out face stitches way earlier than full healing, because you don't want to heal around the stitches and end up with a huge and raised scar).

Anyway, these steri-strips were BEYOND FANTASTIC for covering the wound/scar as it was healing; I kept it covered at all times because of hygienic reasons since the cut was so close to my mouth, and at night as well because it itched and the steri-strip protected it from me unconsciously scratching it.

I love these so much.

Then a coworker was getting moles removed, so I gave her the extra package of these I had bought, and she loved them too. If the wound is still open or sore, these will stick a bit, so just use a little neosporin so it won't stick. Otherwise though, these STAY PUT, which is really helpful.

Oh, in my experience, be sure to change these every day. They'll feel like they could stick forever, and once the wound had healed into a scar, I was tempted to leave these for longer than a day, and they'll easily last for that, but when left on longer than about a day, the adhesive gets kind of gummy sticky, which isn't pleasant.

Overall, I love these...but I'm thrilled I don't have to wear them anymore!

My forehead had sutures in it caused by an accident. When I saw my orthopedic doctor about injuries (elsewhere on my body), he recommended I use scar gel and these bandages. They are less sticky than normal bandages, but stick just as well. They are also a lot skinnier. They are sort of pricey, but worth it if you want to minimize scars.

Buy 3M STERI-STRIP Skin Closure - 1/2 x 4 - Envelope Now


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