Special pack of 5 PRESTIGE BRANDS Brushpicks, 250 Ea X 5

Special pack of 5 PRESTIGE BRANDS Brushpicks, 250 Ea X 5My gums are so healthy from using these daily. Better and easier to use than floss. Less expensive than other brands and just as good Love these!

This picks work great. We have been using them for years keeps your gums in good shape. I highly recommend them.

Buy Special pack of 5 PRESTIGE BRANDS Brushpicks, 250 Ea X 5 Now

The only thing I dislike about these otheriwse excellent toothpicks is that they are plastic and cannot be properly recycled.

Read Best Reviews of Special pack of 5 PRESTIGE BRANDS Brushpicks, 250 Ea X 5 Here

These toothpicks are almost as good as flossing your teeth. Unlike standard or wooden toothpicks these allow you to get food particles from between your teeth with no risk of splintering, as is the tendency with wooden toothpicks. For years I purchased this item from a local drug store but that chain has discontinued carrying this product. Thankfully I can still get them through the internet.

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