MDF® Sprague Rappaport Stethoscope Color: Translucent Red

MDF® Sprague Rappaport Stethoscope Color: Translucent RedI absolutely love this stethoscope!!!!! Great sound quality. Unique color (translucent red appears coral like in color) makes for a great talking piece with clients.

Looking to buy another in another color :)

I ordered the translucent red/ cinnamon, boys beware its very pink, and I love the color. I've tried the Littmann light weight SE II but could only barely hear chest sounds, blood pressures yeah right! I'm currently in nursing school and test ran several of my class mates steths but the problem is my ears apparently. I bought this one sight unseen, based soley off other reviews. I was estatic when not only was it a beautiful color, but added bonus I could hear, even in noisy enviroments. With the extra ear pieces, and peds diaphagm in the pack, I had the urge to double check my bank statement, no way did I get all that for under $30.

Buy MDF® Sprague Rappaport Stethoscope Color: Translucent Red Now


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