5 1/2 Inch Bandage Scissor

Prestige Kelly Straight ForcepsHard to complain at the price offered but they are really not the best quality. The jaws are misaligned and the final polish is very uneven.

I bought these to keep in my pocket while working as a nurse. These approximate well and are easy to engage; I'd buy them again.

Buy 5 1/2 Inch Bandage Scissor Now

I used these to hold the umbilical cord of new born puppies right after they were born and before I cut it. They worked flawlessly and were in perfect condition and shipping was fast!

Read Best Reviews of 5 1/2 Inch Bandage Scissor Here

This is one of those items that everyone has to have at least one of. You need one pair in the kitchen and one in the workshop and one by the computer. If you are a real nut with these things, you have to have a pair in every room. They are kind of like a clock, or scissors, or a watch. You just have to have them.

I first became acquainted with these as a small child. My father was a fix-it nut. He could fix Anything. He had a hammer, some duct tape, a soldering iron and some hemestats. That and a screwdriver and the world was his.

I came upon these again when I went into Real Life. I became a nurse and, of course, hemestats are all over hospitals and surgeries. And the next thing, I knew, I had ordered a couple of pair because they were handy for opening testy pill bottles and pills wrapped in individual wrappers plus, they would fix a cranky IV drip system in a flash. If the contols on the bed were not working, we could get that fixed before maintenance ever thought about hitting the elevators. Just give me some handy hemestats.

Well, I am older now and do no longer work in hospitals. But I do work in patient's homes and in my own. I have a pair of hemestats in the kitchen drawer, along with pliers and a screwdriver and that pries apart dirty faucets that need a good cleaning or grab something that is jamming up the garbage disposal. I have a set in the garage and tap them warningly on the car hood from time to time just for good measure. They grab dropped items out of the concrete seams in the garage floor and help me fix the vaccumn when it is not doing as it should. It is especially helpful about getting those vaccumn bags wedged in the way they should go. (Yes, I, for one, still use bags, though hemestats did pull the dirt out of that Wind Tunnel gadget I used for a while. It plugged up TOO often to suit me and my hemes.)

But my favorite place for using these stats is in my office. I get to noodling around and little things go wrong in here. I did own a shredder that did more stopping up that it did shreddingand and my trusty hemestats cleaned that out any number of times. Cats like to walk upon my laptop and leave little hairs between and amongst the keys as presents. My stats and I get rid of those in a flash. Picking up small items is not a trick any more, I just grab the hemestats.

Most recently, I have become a Pandora bead freak. My hemestats get stoppers on braclets and collect the beads that roll away from me and jump under the desk. I feel like the stats are just an extension of my hand sometimes. I definitely think that everyone should own a pair. You never know when your earring will pop down the drain. They are just too handy. I could go on forever, but I will spare you. BUY THESE. THEY ARE GREAT. EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE SOME. THEY HAVE LIMITLESS POSSIBILITIES AND ARE USEFUL IN ALL HOUSEHOLDS. Ok. I think I have said enough. Have a nice day. And shop Amazon.

Want 5 1/2 Inch Bandage Scissor Discount?

Great for Nursing school! I have used them a lot with IV's and they help a ton. They get a great grip on things and areeasy to carry around because they are light weight. They can easily fit into your scrubs pockets.

Save 68% Off


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