Afterbite Kids .7oz

Afterbite Kids .7ozI had bought after bite when my son was getting bitten by mosquitos, but didn't end up using it since we didn't get another bite. I recently got it out because I got bit by a spider while working in the garage. I was amazed by how quickly and well it worked. Within a minute the itch was gone. It's still a little raised and red, but other then that I wouldn't even know it was there. The pharmasist said this stuff would work better then the benadryl and other creams... and she was right.


Bugs love my daughter! She currently has approx 7 bites on her leg that I try hard to prevent her from scratching. I've been using Benadryl gel, which worked ok but she's been scratching so much that she's broken the skin & the gel would burn. I put After Bite on her & she immediately stopped scratching. This stuff is a God send!

Buy Afterbite Kids .7oz Now

My daughter has mild allergy to mosquito bites relative to the people complaining about grapefruit size bumps. She's three years old and can't restrain from itching, can't kill them before they bite. I'm still looking for an A-class repellant but this cream really works to relieve itching after the bite!! Technically, it has a few of the ingredients recommended to help relieve itching baking soda, aloe, etc but I sure couldn't take the raw ingredients and make them available wherever and whenever I need it (baking soda would dry out, aloe would ferment, etc). So the cream provides a combined package of beneficial ingredients. I have to get a few more tubes for my stock.

WILL RECOMMEND I know not everything works the same for everyone re allergies, but this cream is worth a trial at the very minimum.

Read Best Reviews of Afterbite Kids .7oz Here

This stuff seems to work very well at least on my child with taking the itch out off mosquito bites. I always stock up on it.

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My husband takes this to his wilderness fishing trips rather than some of those hard core bite sticks and swears by it. He says this is the best after-bite cream he's ever used.


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