WoodyKnows Ultra Breathable Natural Fit Nose / Nasal Filters for Hay Fever, Pollen & Dust Allergy,

WoodyKnows Ultra Breathable Natural Fit Nose / Nasal Filters for Hay Fever, Pollen & Dust Allergy, Pet Hair and Dander Allergy, Allergic Asthma, Sinusitis, Rhinitis Relief 1-PackI share my positive experience with this wonderful product. I tried this, and it really helps!

(1) It really works! I have terrible allergies that remain, even with medication. This is a much better option than wearing a full face mask. It does help immensely in alleviating my allergies and allows me to be outside and drive without looking like a freak wearing a full mask.

(2) The nose filters fit well. There are eight sizes, and the size IIR fit me very well (no air enters my nostrils from around the sides when I breathe either in or out meaning it is only filtered air that I am breathing through my nose). The flexible frame is also helpful for better fit.

(3) Easy to breathe. Unlike a mask, which has a large surface air for air flow exchange, the nose filters are tiny and a lot of air has to be squeezed through a tight place. It is so amazing that the air can pass easily through such a tight place.

(4) Good quality. The filter is thin and you can almost look through it. The frame is slim and flexible and no fibers or particles come out from the filters. All above indicate very good manufacturing quality.

(5) Sometimes the nose filters become obstructed with nasal secretions; people with allergies have nasal secretions or dried up flakes of mucus in their noses. At that time, I can clean it easily with water and tissue. It is very convenient for my daily use.

In summary, this product is an amazing idea that works in practice, and I'm really pleased with this product!

As I have stated before, "be sure to get the right size". Woody has been extremely good about following up on his products and was quick to respond. In these days of mass merchandising, it is nice to know that companies like WoodyKnows cares about their products and their customer's satisfaction. Woody was quick to replace my first order with ones(IIR) we thought would fit. I just received the replacements which fits a lot better. I think these nasal filters work very well so I strongly recommend ordering these from WoodyKnows.

I give WoodyKnows a 5 Stars-thumbs up for customer service, satisfaction and a great product!

Buy WoodyKnows Ultra Breathable Natural Fit Nose / Nasal Filters for Hay Fever, Pollen & Dust Allergy, Now

This is a completely revised review of the product.

First, be warned the fitting process is crucial. I gave this product 1 star in my first review because it was so frustrating. I suspect this occurred because my nostril shape is somewhat atypical. Following the standard measurement procedure led straight to the wrong sizes.

However, after I posted my review, Woody contacted me and walked me through the fitting again. It turns out the company has just come out with an improved version of this product which should fit better.

Other customer service notes: product description was corrected rapidly after I spotted a small error.

I just receive the new versions two days ago. So first impressions:

The improved version does fit much better. Each size should work with more variations in shape and size. If I follow the fitting instructions, the correct filter size is still not optimal for me but I think contacting customer service is the right step. Also, buy multiple trial packs to check your size.

Fitting: I ended up choosing one size larger than the expected size. Really, it should work but I was having trouble poking the correct size deeply enough for proper position.

(Customer Service Update April 26, 2013): After I posted this review, Woody got back to me immediately and sent a second filter in my size. I'd originally purchased two filters. Now that's customer service when they respond faster than you do. Too bad there are only 5 stars!

Comfort: I notice the filter is present. It is not uncomfortable.

Air flow: There is some drag but nothing like having a stuffy nose. It gets easier after an hour as you learn to tolerate this.

Cosmetic: Yes, there is a small plastic loop between your nostrils. It bothered me at first but then nose piercings bother me much more and I decided to ignore this.

Function: Too bad the worse of the California pollen season has already passed. We'll see what happens when the summer smog hits. (Update: April 26, 2013) For the rest, here is an early evaluation.

At first, I kept poking the sensitive membranes in the nostril and things started watering aborting that insertion attempt. After about 2-3 days of use, I've gotten the hang of inserting the filters on the first try.

For me, even with allergy medications, I need to blow my nose about 3-4 times per hour. With the filters, I need to do this every 2-3 hours plus it helps greatly with post-nasal drip. Since I'm allergic to dust mites, pollen and mold, the best method is 1) wash hands and face, 2) use a sinus rinse then drain sinuses (very important to drain!) and 3) insert nose filters. I sure hope the filters are durable enough to last a month with multiple daily insertions.

So on the cost savings side, I don't have to spend so much on tissues. And I can replace the public embarrassment and lack of hygiene associated with blowing my nose with a small plastic loop instead.

(Filters not yet tested on animal dander, cigarette smoke, etc... but I'm expected positive results)

I've decided to continue antihistamine use. You never know.

Convenience: Cleaning is easy.

Inconvenience: must remove and clean if you need to blow your nose.

Cost: It's more expensive than the run of the mill antihistamine (generic claritin, zyrtec) but I get very dried out using these medications. As a result, I end up drinking a lot of water at night and waking up frequently. Good sleep is worth the extra cost.

Warning: Very easy to lose the smaller sizes down the drain/toilet just like a pair of contacts.

Summary: If you suffer from exposure to large clouds of irritants (lots of dust, pet dander, heavy pollutants) this filter is well worth a try. Don't skimp on the fitting step.

Read Best Reviews of WoodyKnows Ultra Breathable Natural Fit Nose / Nasal Filters for Hay Fever, Pollen & Dust Allergy, Here

Is a 3*** too cruel? Especially since I keep ordering the filters. Ok because I really do like the idea and concept let me share my Q&A

Quality (****) The quality is good...borderline great. Eventually they wear out from the pulling, adjusting and cleaning. It's hard to have durability in a sensitive area like your nose but WoodyKnows is real close. Compared to the competition out there (I tried the blue ones out and another PLASTIC one), WoodyKnows is #1

Comfort (**) As I praise their quality and somewhat durability The comfort just isn't there for me. My nose is sensitive and I constantly have to adjust it back in my nose or take out because of irritation. I would love if I could go a full hour without touching or readjusting it (I am a nose breather)

Ease of Use (****) I would give 5***** because it's just like the picture shows. Insert and go, but I constantly have to have my iphone help me re-adjust. Still easy enough...

Price (***) rounding up, $17 for these are a bit pricey especially since they ware out. I would LOVE to have my insurance cover these as I buy in bulk, still it's not price gauging...it's reasonable, but not an OMG order while still in stock.

At the end of my 3*** rating I will order the bulk buy...it's not a bad rating, It' means not fantastic but not bad. I wouldn't mind a competitor or Woody catering to the sensitive nose folks

Want WoodyKnows Ultra Breathable Natural Fit Nose / Nasal Filters for Hay Fever, Pollen & Dust Allergy, Discount?

I was skeptical about putting something in my nose to prevent allergy symptoms.

This is the first day and night my nose has stayed open.

I just ordered more of these.

Save 26% Off


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