Special pack of 5 LECTRIC SHAVE 3 oz

Special pack of 5 LECTRIC SHAVE 3 ozIt makes electic shaving smooth and quick.,shaving, much better than thers on the market. it is a pity that it is not available anywhere in Europe...

Have been using this product for 30 years. Convenient size for travel due to liquid restrictions at airports. Packaging was good, no spillage...

Buy Special pack of 5 LECTRIC SHAVE 3 oz Now

Very satisfied with product. The shipping to me was extremely fast. It reached me 1 or 2 days sooner than the earlieist anticipated delivery!!!

I thought the price for 5 of these bottles of Williams' Electric Shave quite reasonable and will buy again when I use up the supply

I have.

Read Best Reviews of Special pack of 5 LECTRIC SHAVE 3 oz Here

I only gave 4 stars because the seller allowed UPS to dump my order to a local postal carrier which has delayed the delivery of my order, and that now has taken away my ability to fully track my order. The post office does not provide the same level of tracking UPS does, and now if the order gets lost, damaged or stolen, I'll have no way to file a proper claim. DO NOT LET YOUR SELLER DUMP YOUR ORDER TO A THIRD PARTY CARRIER. It's a service UPS recently rolled out to allow drivers to avoid going into neighborhoods, but it's a liabilty customers can't afford to risk.

The product is actually a great product, so don't let the 4 stars fool you. I'm having to order it online because my local grocery store has stopped carrying it, and I can't afford cab fare to a store that does carry it.

I've contacted the seller to complain about the dumpting of my order to a third party carrier, and they claim that won't happen again. We'll see when it's time to re-order.

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