This is supposed to have some bitter tasting element in it but it can't be that bad because it didn't keep my dog from licking himself. My hope for this product was to help deter his licking and biting during his rough allergy seasons. Maybe if your dog doesn't have any other issues this might help, but like I said it didn't stop him from licking himself.
He has all year long allergies and sometimes the prednisone RX from the vet and the additional items I give him aren't enough to keep him from licking or biting.
He also takes (all bought from amazon):
Omega-Caps ES For Large & Giant Dogs (250 Softgel Capsules) (these are much cheaper and work the same as AllerG 3 Large Giant Breed 250 Capsules.)
Pet-Tabs Plus 365 ct
If he's doing really bad I'll give him Benadryl as well, but the next step is a $100 vet trip for a shot :(
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