Loma Lux Homeopathic Medicine, Eczema, 100 Tablet Bottle

Loma Lux Homeopathic Medicine, Eczema, 100 Tablet BottleI developed hand eczema in my late 30's and suffered with it for four years. My flare-ups would range from mild to sever almost debilitating. I tried just about every treatment available, prescription, non-prescription, home remedy, you name it. Some would work for a while, like hydrocortisone creams and Protopic, but eventually I would build up a tolerance and they were ineffective. When I first tried Loma Lux I was skeptical, but desperate, within a week I noticed my eczema clearing up, but I didn't get too excited since my eczema is cyclical. Then I ran out of the one bottle I had purchased and sure enough within a week or so, my eczema came back. At that point I purchased more, and have pretty much been using this product steady for the past year and one-half. While on Loma Lux, my eczema ranges from non-existent to mild and never real itchy. Also, I do moisturize my hands throughout the day with a heavy cream. When I do get a flare-up my eczema is very responsive to medications; I just dig out an old tube of Protopic or hydrocortisone and usually within a day or two the flare-up is either gone or under control. Loma Lux has not cured me of eczema, but it keeps it under control and boosts the efficacy of other treatments/medications. Currently I take about half of the recommended dose, but will increase the dose when needed (which is rare). Overall I am very satisfied with this product; if you are desperate, like I was, I would recommend giving it a shot.

Our children have eczema to varying degrees. One has extremely severe eczema all over and the other has it more mildly and more localized.

Both have had all types of treatments, medications, ointments, etc.

This product has had zero effect on both. There was no reduction in the amount or severity of the eczema both aesthetically or rash wise.

Buy Loma Lux Homeopathic Medicine, Eczema, 100 Tablet Bottle Now

It has seemed to provide some relief for my daughter. Can't say it is miraculous or permanent, but better.

Read Best Reviews of Loma Lux Homeopathic Medicine, Eczema, 100 Tablet Bottle Here

I have been taking this product for about a month now. I have to say, my hand eczema (Dyshidrotic Eczema) was almost debilitating at times. The itchy rash/blisters would eventually crack open and bleed just at extending my hands to work. As a nurse, this was a huge problem because I have to wash my hands a lot. This product has been an angel in my life as all other treatments except kenalog injections were useless. I now have very little itching, very rare rash, less than inch at best! My hands no longer crack open and bleed. With this being said, I also use a moisturizing lotion with ceramides in it because my hands are still rough and dry at times. I highly recommend this product from a medical stand point.

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This product has worked miraculously for me! I suffered from constant eczema my entire life and have tried every cream (prescription and OTC) there is. My rashes would keep me up all night itching. They most often occured on the inside of my elbows, hands and back of knees. I tried Loma Lux out of sheer deperation while scouring the internet one night. I had NO expectations that it would actually work, but within 2 weeks my ezcema was gone and I have been rash free for over 3 months. I would without hesitation recommend this to anyone and everyone! I don't understand how, but it works like magic and I will continue using this forever!


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