Special Pack of 5 SCHERING-PLOUGH NO POST CUSHION GRIP ADHESIVE 1 ozI had full extractions and began wearing upper and lower dentures 6 months ago at the age of 47. I am sure all denture wearers know what a humbling experience this can be at any age and I was no exception, it was hard. After the initial healing period, bone loss and gum shrinkage occurred rapidly. My soft re-lines by the dentist held up two weeks, max. After reading all the great reviews, I purchased Cushion Grip from Amazon early on in my denture experience and it has been if not a life saver for me, a definite 'pride saver' as I cannot see the dentist twice a month. I have found it very easy to use and had no problems even the first time I used it. In addition to closely following the package directions, I recommend having a blow dryer handy until you become accustomed to the application. The tube must be warmed in a cup of hot water before squeezing the substance out at which time in comes out with ease in one piece. Before I became skilled enough to make the application quickly, sometimes it would cool down faster than I could shape the pliable rubber-like substance into my denture. That's where the blow dryer comes in. If it cools down and loses its pliability before you've finished shaping it into your denture, a warm blow dryer over the denture for a few seconds will soften it back up. Because I've had practice, I rarely have to do that any longer; I am able to properly apply and shape the substance to my denture in a matter of seconds. The outcome is much like a reline from the dentist. Given the speed by which my gums have shrunk, Cushion Grip has represented the most convenient and economical solution for me.

Pros: Very fast temporary reline once you get used to it. The box states that it lasts up to four days, but a single application has lasted up to two weeks for me. Prevents the friction and gum soreness from loose fitting dentures. Affordable. Dependable. Easy to remove in one piece (run cold water over your plate for easy removal or grip).

Cons: The grip does burn the gums for the first 2 or 3 minutes, but this was less intense for me over time. I does not serve as an 'adhesive' for me on my lower dentures as the tube suggests. I still need to apply an adhesive. If you do choose to leave the reline in more than a few days, you may start to notice sharp edges because the product becomes harder. I use this as my signal to remove the old Cushion Grip and apply new.

I know the use of Cushion Grip has prevented some embarrassing moments for me as a newbie to dentures. I would give it 5 stars if it did not claim to be an 'adhesive.' It is definitely more of a fast, convenient, temporary reline but I would not count on it alone to keep my lowers secure.

After getting upper dentures near three months ago my gums had two very sore spots. If your reading you know what its like. Can not enjoy food when the denture slips, it hurts. After 3 or 4 trips to my dentist it was better but still sore especially when they tilt or slip. I knew I had to take charge & find something that worked.I bought a reline kit but have not used it. I also bought the gooey adhesives that's a pain to remove, we've all been there.

Along come Cushion Grip & after reading reviews I was real sure my search was over. First of all it is NOT an adhesive, if that's what you really want look elsewhere. It is a very thick thermoplastic gel. I say gel but its barely liquid. In reality that is what you want. Something that is pliable, can be spread inside your dentures yet soft enough to conform to your gums. It did that far better than than the impressions my dentist made.

I said its NOT an adhesive but it conforms so well adhesive is not necessary. It conforms near to an exact fit & after biting down its a vacuum like a suction cup. That is what it does it creates a vacuum. It does not let air in so your dentures stay in place. My dentures were pretty loose, now the problem is gone.

I heat water on the stove, not boiling & leave the tube in for 5+ minutes. Meanwhile I use tooth paste & brush my dentures, making sure they are clean & dry. Then spread the gel & let it sit for at least ten minutes. You may not spread it quite right but you'll learn.

I said 10 minutes because it needs time to cure. I think some feel a burning sensation because they do not let it cure long enough. If you use a lot, let it cure longer. In my case a tube will do my uppers 4 times. So once cured put it in & push back & up, then bite firmly for about 15 seconds. It takes a little effort to remove them. If you did it right, cure time etc your dentures will fit tight & hold. If you did not allow enough cure time the thermoplastic might stick to you gums. That happened to me first time so a little more cure time & all was well.

If you've read this far be sure to read reviews similar to mine. This product works & works very well & it lasts a lot longer than stated by the mfg. Imagine that, how often does that happen? I got it from Pharmapacks well ahead of schedule.


My dentures have never fit right. Took eight months to get them and never went back to the place that made them for lining...afraid to. Cushion grip helps them fit better and even helps to prevent sores from my dentures moving by holding them better in place.

Read Best Reviews of Special Pack of 5 SCHERING-PLOUGH NO POST CUSHION GRIP ADHESIVE 1 oz Here

My Husband was Suprise that I got it that way. He didn't think we would get it any more. He has

Always bought it at Market Basket or Wakgreens.He couldn't find it. I said I'll look it up on the Computer. Thank You Very Much....


I find that cushion grip helps me with the fit of my dentures. I had a friend try it and he did not like it at all. For me it keeps my teeth from moving around. I should get them refitted, but this, for me, is a lot better right now.


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