Nicorette Mini Lozenge

Nicorette Mini Lozenge  81-Count PackageThese new mini lozenges come in 2 and 4 mg strengths, and are an improvement over the larger Commit-type nicotine lozenges that come in brand and generic form. However, as most people who have been using nicotine lozenges 'successfully' for any amount of time can tell you, the lozenges THEMSELVES are ADDICTIVE and can be very hard to quit because of the powerful oral gratification that they deliver. Do a Google search for Lozenges Addiction just those two words, and you will see first-hand accounts that ex-smokers have posted here and there online, explaining how they continued to use the lozenges for YEARS after they quit smoking, well beyond the time window when they were supposed to have stopped using them. Dental problems abound because, although they are sugar free, the inactive ingredients in them change mouth pH. And the sweeteners used can have addictive properties themselves.

On a more positive note, these new mini-lozenges are an improvement because there are more places in your mouth that you can put one. I imagine they will also be a hit for people trying to quit chewing tobacco because they tuck very nicely in the same places for example, under the upper lip. Tingly goodness, without the risk of cancer (one would hope)!

These work, for sure you won't want to go back to cigarettes after a few months of using them, and with any luck, you will be able to step down from 4 to 2 mg after a few weeks. The memory of smoking will fade, but the pleasures of nicotine use, and the associated risks such as high blood pressure will continue with use of the lozenges. Understand that you will need to face the challenge of quitting the lozenges down the road. Diet Coke and Altoids might do the trick. But what the heck it's still healthier than smoking...

I have tried the gum, but I found it hard on my teeth and gums. I also didn't like how quickly it lost its flavor. In short, I failed to quit smoking using the gum. I also failed to quit smoking on the patch. I personally need that quick release of nicotine. I bought these lozenges when I decided to give quitting another try. They are small, but powerful. I smoked menthol cigarettes, and the strong mint flavor is a good subsitution. I am only on my fifth day smoke-free, but I have already succeeded in situations that caused me to fail in the past. I spent hours with a smoker friend outside talking, while she smoked, and I had my mints. I can honestly say I wasn't tempted to smoke. I gave it four stars because the flavor and texture does take some getting used to. Everyone's taste will be different. Obviously the mints will only help, if you really want to quit. I highly reccommend them for people who are motivated, but have struggled with other nicotine replacement aids.

Buy Nicorette Mini Lozenge Now

I've waited awhile to write this review because I've never been so passionately divided about a product. Like other reviewers have mentioned, this product is a double-edged sword. With any kind of motivation and the 4mg Mini Lozenge, you will be able to stop smoking. I have twice now. The first time it worked great, and when I weened myself off it didn't take more than a bump in the road to get me back to smoking. The second time, well I've been smoke free for over a year... but I never weened off the lozenges. Online boards have people taking these things for five plus years and going strong, and I've got to think I'll be joining them. There is some chatter online about them damaging your teeth so I've been fastidious about my dental care and so far no major issues. They are cheaper than cigarettes in my case, but not cheap nonetheless. But even if it costs me $20 a week (which is average thus far), and even if they did rot the teeth out of my head; I'm calm, relaxed, and happy as if I never quit smoking. And I won't get lung cancer or emphysema. For me, it's worth it.

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These mints are great for those who want to stop smoking. You place them between your lip and gums, and they last almost an hour. They completely stop your craving. I don't recommend buying them on Amazon. I purchased a couple boxs from Amazon, and they when I got them they were set to expire in 4 days. I've used them in the past, and when the mints are close to their expiration date they are less effective and don't break down properly in your mouth. BEWARE of them selling them a few days before they expire. They will not have the same effect as fresh ones. The expiration date is located on the top of the box.

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I got a coupon from my pharmacy and with unsuccessful attempts to quit with the patch, I gave them a try. From day one I was smoke free, and that was 3 weeks ago. Not long, you say? Try it....I have had only one true vision of sticking that menthol cigarette in my mouth since I started these. I plan to win and these are doing the job. My doctor is thrilled, my sister is thrilled because she quit months ago after 35 years of smoking, and I already feel the difference. I will admit that I get jittery occasionally if faced with a stressful situation, but I pop one of the lozenges in and know that I didn't smoke a cigarette instead. Oh and just because you can start with one every two hours, I found that the first day I watched the clock, but went 2.5 3.0 hours before I felt I needed one. So, do the plan and listen to your body as well. Maybe you don't need 9 per day, I haven't used 9 in a day yet! GOOD LUCK!!


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