Nexcare Opticlude Orthopic Eye Patches, Junior Size - 20 count

Nexcare Opticlude Orthopic Eye Patches, Junior Size - 20 countI started out using the coverlet brand for my 4yr old who is the size of a 2yr old. They stuck really well but the junior size is not available in any store near us so I went to search online and found these Nexcare pads and decided to try them out. They do fit my daughter (ideal for 2yrs and under) and they do stay on for the most part; however, the coverlets stick MUCH better and I also found a new brand called ORTOPAD that is really cool with cool designs and sticks a little better than the Nexcare but still not as well as the Coverlets but is for sure nicer and in my opinion, a better deal for the price. The ortopad's come in boxes of 50 vrs 20 and have a varity of styles to choose from. Hope this helps someone.

I think the best patch really depends on who is using it. For my daughter, she is allergic to some forms and others stick so well that they pull skin off when we remove the patch. We have used this brand for 2 years and have had no problems. There are some with more interesting designs (i.e. artistic), but these work well, especially for small children.

Buy Nexcare Opticlude Orthopic Eye Patches, Junior Size - 20 count Now

Of course it depends on the child but for my five year old son the Nexcare patches were definitely not the best. The good news is that they do stick on very well, which is nice if you have an active child. The bad news is that they irritated my son's skin. I tried them myself and was only able to wear one for about 15 minutes. They left my skin itchy and red.

The Coverlet brand works better for us but we actually prefer the Ortopads, which are available online. Well worth a search to find them. If you are choosing between Nexcare and Coverlet, however, choose the latter. If you need something that sticks like glue and your child doesn't have sensitive skin try Nexcare but keep in mind that a lot of children seem to have a sensitivity to them.

Read Best Reviews of Nexcare Opticlude Orthopic Eye Patches, Junior Size - 20 count Here

I tried this and it is okay-ish, but what I really found good is the one from Ortopad. Would be good if Amazon could have that...

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I used these on my 2-1/2 yr old son for a few days and they were horrible! They seemed to really bother him and they hurt him terribly when removed. So much that he cried and after the first time didn't want me to remove it at all because of the pain he expected. As soon as the Coverlet brand arrived via Amazon we switched back to those, no problems! No pain, no irritation, now he says, "this kind does not hurt." Buy Coverlets, not Nexcare!


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