Mitigator Sting & Bite Treatment Scrub (1 Ounce Tube)

Mitigator Sting & Bite Treatment ScrubI am a forester who has worked in wasp, hornet and yellowjacket country for over 35 years.... believe me, I've tried all remedies. Obviously, this testimonial is not appropriate for anaphylactic shock and serious allergic reactions. I'll limit my experience to members of the Vespidae (yellowjackets and hornets). First, the product MUST be applied IMMEDIATELY after a sting or stings. This is the same with any product I know of. If you get it on quickly and follow the application directions, you will be impressed with the results anything from complete elimination of symptoms after a couple minutes to a marked reduction of symptoms. Vespids don't leave a stinger, so don't worry about trying to remove it. For myself, I also take a Benadryl (diphenhydramine) tab soon after a sting... I usually wait until I'm done with any work that requires alertness as the Benadryl makes me very drowsy. Once I get home, I wash the site thoroughly and apply ice and rest & elevate the sting site if possible. Icing is the best continuing treatment for remaining swelling and itching... this is often not possible at work so I just try to ignore it till I get home. The only other remedy I recommend is an old forester's remedy that works just as well but is less convenient... make a paste of baking soda and meat tenderizer and apply this IMMEDIATELY after sting. Rub in well. The meat tenderizer will denature the venom proteins that it comes in contact with... same follow up treatment as above. With any sting, if you have not been stung by that particular insect before, be alert for symptoms of severe allergic reactions.

Works well against fire ant bites. It takes about 10-15 minutes for the pain to subside after the application of the product. The best part is that the urge to scratch is gone.

Buy Mitigator Sting & Bite Treatment Scrub (1 Ounce Tube) Now

I think I am somewhat allergic to mosquitos, because when I get bit, the lcoalized reaction is highly itchy, causing me to scratch and scratch, rip my skin open, scratch and rip, in a vicious cycle. Benedryl gel used to help but no longer does, and I seem to taste oh-so-delish to mosquitos, so the bites happen all the time and all over the place. On a recent camping trip to Texas, it seemed like everything really is bigger there including the mosquitos. I was bitten all over my legs, arms and back, and after two weeks was still horribly itching and tearing my skin apart. A friend suggested I try Mitigator Scrub. I got instant relief because you apply the product which has some slightly abrasive particles in it by SCRUBBING it into the itchy areas of your skin. What I had doing with my fingernails, which tore me up, and didn't ultimately provide relief, I couold now do with the scrub and the palm of my hand. It recommends you scrub for at leats a minute and probably about three minutes. After about a minute of scrubbing, I felt relief, And satisfaction. I really needed to itch, and I could "scratch" or feel like I had scratched with the scrub but not tear myself open. Not only that, there is actually some sort of medicine in there, partially consisting of bakng soda, and something else. For the first time, I didn't feel itchy again for almost 3 or 4 hours while awake, and I would apply it again before going to bed and could actually sleep through the night without tearing myself apart. Whoa! I bought 20 tubes online after this worked so well for me, and my bites are finally healing after nearly a month, and I am so grateful to have discovered this product. Unfortunately, the manufacturer's website says they have discontinued the product. Which is why I bought so many online. Finally something that works great and they're not going to make it anymore!

Read Best Reviews of Mitigator Sting & Bite Treatment Scrub (1 Ounce Tube) Here

I cannot rave enough about this stuff. About 6 years ago I got this horrible mass of ant bites covering both the tops of my feet. Just woke up one morning and it was there just a huge mass of insect bites like something out of a horror movie. My roommate said it looked like a wild animial had gnawed on the tops of my feet and they looked like hamburger meat. With this many bites you can't help but scratch the itching was a nightmare. I always made sure to wash my hands first and to apply antibiotic afterwards but nothing I repeat NOTHING would touch these in terms of itch relief. I tried it all too, let me tell you. I probably spent over $100 on stuff like benedryl (both pills and topical) antibiotic treatment and other itch relief junk. Its all junk. I found this randomly in a Walmart in New Mexico when I was visiting family for the holidays. This stuff is the ONLY thing that calmed my itch for more than a few seconds, it worked for maybe 3-6 hours a first in that nightmare. You can use the scrub to scratch your itch plus it has stuff to stop it from itching too. Your not getting your dirty fingernails breaking open your skin and creating more infection. The only bad thing as everyone else has said this is a total B**** to find. Its so difficult to find I've hung on to the bottle for 6 FREAKING YEARS, hauling it to 3 different homes I've moved to, looking for more of this stuff hoping one day I would find some more and FINALLY thank the good Lord I found some more. I will be stocking up as soon as I'm done with this review because I never want to be without it for insect relief again. I would be their spokesperson for free this stuff is so freaking awesomely amazing.



Want Mitigator Sting & Bite Treatment Scrub (1 Ounce Tube) Discount?

I am an avid camper, and one of my camping friends had purchased this and let me try it. It is the best for bug bites that I have ever found. GREAT STUFF!


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