Evening Primrose Oil: a Fertility Aid for Cervical Mucus

Evening Primrose Oil: a Fertility Aid for Cervical MucusAfter being married for a yr we decided to try to get preg. I read online that you should try especially when you are ovulating. I bought the ovulation test strips but still could not tell when I was ovulating. I read somewhere that Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) helps you achieve quality cervical Mucus and great environment for the sperm. I decided to try this one. (remember to use up to ovulation) This is my first month in using this and I did not have to test to see that I was ovulating. But Just to be on the safe side, I did the test and yes I was ovulating. This product works! Hopefully I get pregnant this month, if not I will definitely continue to try this as well again, because as opposed to the other month when I don't see any Cervical Mucus or not the stuff I was hoping to see (the quality one). This month there was no doubt I even tested the quality. Very stretchy egg whitey stuff that did not break. And I still have more left back for another month. I must admit that it is a challenge drinking four pills a day but if you are determined as I am to have a child it is a small price to pay especially with such great results.

I used this product as directed but starting getting a bloated feeling so i started taking one tab instead of two but that didn't help, so i stopped taking the product.

Buy Evening Primrose Oil: a Fertility Aid for Cervical Mucus Now

I started these in Feb this year for the first time starting on cd1 until O-day. It even gave me the extra boost when it comes to libido ;) I did however got pg with that cycle but sadly lost at 5 weeks. But I ordered more for when we start trying again. I would recommend it especially if you're like me and have scanty cm and on the low side of a libido.

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I think Mucinex works better. You have to take 4 big pills a day. I will not be taking it anymore.

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