Bite Blocker Deet Free Waterproof Insect Repellent 3.5 oz (105 ml)

Bite Blocker Deet Free Waterproof Insect Repellent 3.5 ozI've used all the bite blocker products and some I like better than others. This one is my favorite because it's a very effective waterproof sunblock, insect repellent, and it has a minty scent. Why can't Biteblocker make their other products with minty scents like this rather than some of the really strange smells they have? It's kind of expensive so we use it sparingly during the day as a sunblock. But the great part is that it keeps all kinds of insects away. While wearing this my kids never get a sunburn or a bite -even bees, ticks and horseflies avoid them. It's worth the price, we just use another natural bug repellent at night like Repel or one of the other Biteblocker products (and hoping those will improve in their scents soon).

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