POVIDONE IODINE OINTMENT 10% QUAL 1ozTV ads sway people to use products that are simply not the best for them to use in certain situations. As a microbiologist, let me explain and suggest an alternative:

Ads encourage folks to use antibiotic-containing cremes and ointments for almost every scratch, cut and itch that occurs. Unfortunately, doing this encourages antibioitic resistance by bacteria. Too, although such agents do kill or inhibit many bacteria, they seldom contain agents that affect the yeast that can grow when normal bacteria are removed--the yeast that causes thrush or "yeast infection".

A MUCH BETTER alternative is to use Povidone Iodine ointment. Povidone Iodine is the active ingredient in Betadine and other similar surgical scrubs, and it releass iodine when used. Unlike the antibiotics used in OTC ointments, iodine kills all bacteria AND also kills the yeast that can overgrow. Povidone Iodine ointment literally CAN'T be overused, as no microbial resistance to it has ever been documented.

So, instead of "Thinking antibiotic", THINK POVIDONE IODINE! (By the way, old tincture of iodine works similarly and is equally effective!!)

I have used povidone iodine ointment for several years to heal occasional cuts or scratches which appear to have a small infection susceptibility. Not available at local pharmacy. Actually priced better online.


I find this product difficult to locate at local pharmacies (some e.g. our local Walmart and Walgreens will not even order it) yet it seems to be the better antibiotic for small wounds. In my families experience the providone iodine ointment(generic Betadine) is superior to Neosporin, Polysporin or Bacitracin ointments and unlike the Betadine solution it is easy to use with a band-aid. Our experience is quicker healing and less scarring. The only drawback is the color, if your sensitive to iodine, and possible staining. Useful to have in your first aid kit.

Read Best Reviews of POVIDONE IODINE OINTMENT 10% QUAL 1oz Here

I love the product I have used it for years, sometimes its hard to find. One tub can last me more then a year so to buy three at once would be a little crazy. So when I saw I could by one for a little more then $2.00 I though that was great. It was only supposed to cost about three dollars shipping. It ended up being eight something for the shipping. And took a month to get here. I guess I should have gotten the three tubs for twelve buck.


I was looking for a replacement for the old tube of Betadaine branded povidone iodine ointment that I had picked up at Walgreens, many years ago. It was nowhere to be found at any of the usual pharmacy chain stores. So I turned to Amazon and found exactly what I was looking for. I have been using it after minor skin surgery to excellent effect. It protects from infection and helps the skin heal rapidly and with no scars.

All of this, at such a great price. Thank you Amazon sellers.


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