Hydrocortisone Cream Anti-itch 144 Pkts/box

Hydrocortisone Cream Anti-itch 144 Pkts/boxI was looking for "one time use" packets for our many first aid kits. These were perfect! Put a few in the vehicles, some in the main first aid kit, some in backpacks, purses, etc. Some reviewers said it's small...yeah, it is...that's the point! Use it when you need to and throw it away. More then enough in each packet.

I know unit dose is always more expensive than bulk, but this is extremely expensive Hydrocortisone cream. I should have done the math before I ordered it. I would not order this again.

Buy Hydrocortisone Cream Anti-itch 144 Pkts/box Now

Waterjel hydrocortisone is by far my favorite. I have very sensitive skin and i find all other hydrocortisone creams, gels, sprays or whatever to sting like the dickens. This is the only one Ive found that doesn't sting/burn and is easy on my skin. (my second best is the aveno cream fyi). These packets make always having some on hand sooo easy. Its funny but I end up using it a lot more than I'd ever have thought and now always carry a few packets with me. Great on small rashes and bug bites. (i get rashes from the button of my pants and really most other things. soaps, perfumed things, harsh cleaners, most laundry detergent, nickel, whatever)

The reason I got this was my fiance has serious skin issues and and we can't always afford the prescription strength steroids. This stuff is great and gentle on his face,. he often forgets to bring stuff with him on trips but these are much easier to travel with and I always have some now too. I think it has less allergens / irritants in it because switching to this brand actually made his skin clear up faster than others that merely manage symptoms a bit. I think the alcohol and other ingredients in many hydrocortisone creams irritate his skin as much as sooth it. (again hes supposed to be one prescription strength topical steroids).

Anyway we just went through our first box, which lasted forever and I'm getting a second one.

Oh and as always I feel i should note that no one should ever put hydrocortisone or any topical steroid on their eyelids. I don't know why but people do this and its very dangerous. There are specialty products people can get from their doctors for the eyelid.

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