O'Keeffe's Working Hands Cream, 3.4 oz.

O'Keeffe's Working Hands Cream, 3.4 oz.I get dry skin on my hands and feet compliments of my mother.. The type of work I did in my younger days didn't help matters any.

During my 20's and 30's it wasn't much of a problem, now at 47, the past few years have been the worst. Especially during the winter months.

After a horrible last year trying to make do with over the counter preparations, and even a wasted trip to a podiatrist or two, I decided to get serious about this problem.

So I did some research on the net and ordered all sorts of products, even spending a fair number of dollars down at the local Bath and body store, mostly for naught. Most of the products were either greasy, oily, has objectionable smells or just plain didn't work.

I narrowed it down to two products. Okeefe's and one of the beeswax type treatments.

Hands down this is the best product I've used on my hands, cheaper as well. And miraculously it contains no oil. In fact after application you'll be hard pressed to tell it's even there. But trust me, it is.

The beeswax stuff is a good product as well, and works quite well. But they must add mineral or some other type of oil to make the beeswax workable. If you had your hands in water all day, the beeswax product may last longer.. But for daily application in the majority of circumstances, I believe Okeefe's is the superior product. It's cheaper as well.. It uses a similar wax, a small amount of paraffin to seal in moisture, but it's much less noticeable and doesn't make your hands shine.

Whereas the beeswax product only seals in moisture, Okeefe's draws moisture to your hands and seals it in. So it's doing multiple things at the same time. Don't ask me to explain further, it just works.

For you folks that don't know how to apply a stiff cream like this out of a tub. It's real simple. Just scrape a small amount with the back of your thumb nail and place it on the back of your hand. Then rub the back of your hands together until its almost gone, then rub the rest into your palms and fingertips. You wont believe the hydration you feel immediately. And like I said in a few minutes you'll be hard pressed to tell there's anything there, until in a few days you notice your hands looks years younger and you've seen the end of cracked skin in the winter time.

Use it after you shower, after you wash dishes and before bedtime until your hands are healed.. Then once or twice a day.

After seeing the ad for O'Keeffe's hands cream on a page in Popular Mechanics, I initially thought the promise of fast healing for cracked fingers too fantatastic to be true. I dedided to take a chance anyway and after a fruitless search for it in local stores placed my order with Amazon. Mrs. Spudman had tried multiple products for her painfully cracked fingertips so we thought 7 dollars was a worthwhile gamble.

With some misgivings but no trepidation, Mrs. Spudman began using the new hand cream. We both did a visual inspection of her fingertips before beginning this trial so we could compare the effects (if any) of using the O'Keeffe's. After our finger inspection and evaluation of the width and depth of the cracks, Mrs. Spudman began using O'Keeffe's on her hands following the product directions.

Just so I could get into the act, I decided to experiment with the O'Keeffe's also on some painful cracks on the heels of my feet. Yes, I know this is a hand product, but I thought these nuisance cracks that only respond slowly to other products would be a good test. For five days so far I've used O'Keeffe's on the more painful heel and used Heel Rescue on the other heel.

On the hand the cream feels more silky than greasy. It is absorbed by the skin readily and makes them feel smooth.


Incredibly we've seen dramatic improvement on Mrs. Spudman's hands in only five days while she continues to use the O'Keeffe's daily. The cracks on her fingertips have closed and no new ones have appeared. If we hadn't seen this with our own eyes, we wouldn't believe it. Such an improvement seems too impossibly far-fetched. And yet.....

As for me the O'Keeffe's treated heel healed in only a few days. Though I've been using Heel Rescue on the other heel more frequently and more copiously, that heel is still a little tender though improved.

Conclusion: O'Keeffe's is the real deal. It has surpassed Udderly Smooth Udder Cream as Mrs. Spudman's new, favorite hand treatment.

Buy O'Keeffe's Working Hands Cream, 3.4 oz. Now

This stuff rubs into your hands and takes just a few seconds to be all absorbed. It does feel a bit different than other creams; it took me a couple of applications to get used to that. At work I need to wash my hands with disinfectant soap several times an hour. My fingers get cracks and my skin gets horribly dried out. By applying the Working Hands morning, a couple times a day and at night before bed, the cracks were gone in a couple of days. I LOVE THIS STUFF!!!

Read Best Reviews of O'Keeffe's Working Hands Cream, 3.4 oz. Here

There was a 3-year period when I used to suffer from frequent skin splitting at the ends of my thumbs and first fingers. I tried various skin lotions and cremes (including O'Keeffe's creme in a tube) but nothing was helping, so I needed to masking-tape my thumbs and first fingers keeping the tape on 24 hours a day. It was a real nuisance.

Then about 8 months ago, I found out about O'Keeffe's Working Hands paste in a small jar (it's listed on Amazon as a creme, but it's really more of a paste). I thought I'd give it a try and I'm so glad that I did! I started putting it on my thumbs and first fingers ends, just after I got into bed at night. I didn't apply it during the day just at night. And two weeks later, the splits had healed. I've continued to use it most nights, and in the last 8 months my skin has not split even once. What a relief!

I also maybe once a week apply it to the heels of my feet, again at night time. The former trouble I used to have with excess callousing, has disappeared. My heel skin is now much, much softer. O'Keeffe's has another product that is designed more for feet, but I haven't needed to try it, as the Working Hands works just fine for me.

The 3.4 oz jar looks like it's going to last me about 9 months. A little goes a long way.

Want O'Keeffe's Working Hands Cream, 3.4 oz. Discount?

This product is amazing. It really works!!! I have tried so many different product for dry,chapped hands and those little cuts that pop up on my fingers, both over the counter and prescription types, but this has them all beat. It's not greasy at all which I really like and a little goes a long way. I'm still working on my first jar although I have two more jars in reserve. There is no odor, smell or anything associated with it which I also really like. The price is very good although I'd gladly pay more to make sure I'm never without it.

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