Boericke & Tafel Sting Stop Soothing Gel

Sting Stop Insect Gel 1 OuncesI've used Sting Stop for approximately five years and have yet to find anything that works this well.

I get massive welts from mosquito bites and they tend to last for almost two weeks. If I put the Sting Stop on quickly, the bite will be completely gone within 24 hours. It stops the itching about 10 minutes after application as well, sometimes even faster. I use it for my children and even my elderly mother whom was recently stung by a bee on her thumb. I applied this right away and it helped her. Now she's a believer.

Within the last two weeks I was bitten by a fire ant. The inflamation was gone, once again, within 24 hours. My foot felt like it was on fire but not for as long as it would have had I not used the Sting Stop. The location of the actual bite looked like a little pimple afterward (now gone), but I can handle that.

My only complaint is the smell. I can't stand the smell of citronella. However, I rather have the smell for a short period of time than the bite for several days.

We have been using Sting Stop for 5-6 years, and in my humble opinion, this is the best stuff on earth!

I have very fair, sensitive skin which reacts in spades to stings and bites. Mosquito bites on me if left untreated swell up and cause big, red, splotchy welts that harden and last for two weeks, perpetually itching and making me crazy throughout the duration of that healing time. However, with Sting Stop, as long as I get it on in the first 30 minutes, it works fast to stop the swelling and itching. And if I get it on in the first few minutes after a bite, it's as if I didn't get bit at all no swelling, no itching, no reaction whatsoever. So as you can imagine, I keep this stuff stashed everywhere upstairs, downstairs, in the garage, the car, baby stroller, my purse, at the grandparents house, etc.!

The effectiveness of this product has held true for all members of our family three generations worth. It immediately stops the itching at any time of application after being bit, but if you also want to stop the swelling, then the sooner you can get it applied, the better.

Additionally, last summer, our 2-yr old daughter was stung by a bee. This was the only remedy I treated her with and I was really impressed with it's effectiveness. By the time I could get her into the house, calmed down, and get the stinger removed, it had already started swelling up pretty good. However, once the Sting Stop was applied, the swelling and redness went away in an hour or so, and she never again complained about the sting hurting.

Boericke & Tafel products have served our family well over the years, and Sting Stop is a runaway favorite which even our preschoolers ask for by name when the skeeters come out! Seriously, this is good stuff!

Buy Boericke & Tafel Sting Stop Soothing Gel Now

I used this when I was a kid and have been searching for it since. Nothing stops the sting/itch of a mosquito bite like this gel!

Read Best Reviews of Boericke & Tafel Sting Stop Soothing Gel Here

I've been using sting stops on my children and myself for years. Just recently the store I was buying it from closed and I couldn't find it in any other stores. I noticed that if I apply it as soon as I notice the bite, the itching stops in a few minutes and within half an hour I can't even tell where the bite was. If it's applied hours later, it doesn't have as good an effect but it still stops the itching, it just doesn't take the inflamation away as well.

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A bee decided to fly into my gardening glove while I had it off for 1 minute and when I put the glove back on, he stuck his stinger right in my forearm with quite a bit of his I-don't-like-you-touching-me venom. After a few choice words from my painful surprise, I went inside, pulled the stinger out of my forearm, got my first aid kit, and applied this SssstingStop Insect gel and put some Ledum Palustre 6X (Puncture Wounds, Stings, Bites) 250 Tablet under my tongue three time twenty minute apart. I have not been stung since a child and I had such a horrific reaction then, that my doctor insisted I carry an Epi-pen with me every where I went. After decades of purchasing new epi-pens when the old one expired after never using it, I was without an epi-pen so I was wondering if I would need to go to the emergency room but the reaction never did get worse than red swelling about the size of a silver dollar and I really hardly notice it at all. There is no expiration date on the tube and it looks a little funky and is probably old, but it still worked! I will buy a fresh one for the emergency kit and throw this away.

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