Mom's Medicine Chest Newborn Kit

Mom's Medicine Chest Newborn KitI had a feeling I was in for disappointment when the mailman dropped off the package to my doorstep this afternoon. The box was startlingly small: too small to hold what in my mind seemed like a thorough and sturdy med kit.

Sure enough, when I opened it I was disgusted. I'd like to point out that this is NOT an inexpensive item: 42 dollars should at least have merited a shoebox-sized container, but sadly it isn't even that big and it's cheap plastic. Inside, the few items are as poorly proportioned as the box. They clearly state that these are not samples and are full sized. No, they are not. The contents are a sick joke: a tiny bottle of butt paste, a 30ml container of saline nose drops, 15ml of an off-brand acetaminophen bottle which included a dropper that was already broken, a 1 FL ounce bottle of simethicone drops (also off-brand)an extremely cheap digital thermometer (not even the type that can be used in the ear or under the arm), a useless paper book for newborn first aid, (Google is a lot better resource)the crappiest brush I have ever seen in my life, a cheap pacifier, and TWO alcohol swabs.

Now I need to go out and buy my own stuff.....except it won't fit into that piddly piece of junk they call a box.

I realize the baby item market is filled with ripoffs and gimmicks, but this by far is the biggest scam I've fallen victim to while shopping for baby items. Do yourself a favor: never click on this item again, go out and buy your own box and fill it with QUALITY medicines. Don't let this company rip you off blindly the way I was.

This kit is a must for all first time moms! Everything you need is right here. These make a perfect gift. I buy them as gifts for all my "moms to be" friends. Thanks Moms Medicine Chest.

Buy Mom's Medicine Chest Newborn Kit Now


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