EMUgency All Purpose First Aid Spray - 1 oz - Liquid

EMUgency All Purpose First Aid Spray - 1 oz - LiquidThis stuff worked awesome on my son's skin infection. I'm not 100% positive what kind of infection it was but I know it was spreading to other areas of his body AND open sores. It doesn't really matter what kind it was but my normal natural cures weren't working as fast as they normally do so I looked for an alternative. I found Emu-Gency and am hooked. His sore is clearing up quickly and nicely. I will have this in my house at all times for all first aid uses. The thing that hooked me when reading the bottle was that it is good for viral, fungal, and bacterial infections...so I knew no matter what we were dealing with, this stuff could help. And it did! LOVE IT.


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