SWAT-T Tourniquet

SWAT-T TourniquetThere seems to be a common reoccurring theme among products, especially like these, that, while common sense in the directions on how to apply... still somehow require a skill set to use properly. I've seen plenty of people apply a cat-t and soft-t that wouldn't have stopped a papercut from bleeding. Putting it on and twisting is HOW you make it tight. However, that doesn't mean that putting it on and twisting... means that it's tight. Just like this one. Wrapping it around a limb, is how you apply it. It actually has a diagram on it, that when you make the ovals/rectangles into squares/circles on it, so you know that you're stretching it tight enough. But again.... somehow something get's lost in translation. The ability for the human element to mess something up, is always prevailing. I've put a cat-t and soft-t onto myself, and tightened it down until I couldn't twist the rod anymore. That hurts, but I can do it. These, I can't get more than 3/4s wrapped (on my thigh) before the pressure is so great I feel like I'm about to crack my femur, or get a hernia. I'm not fat, but I'm 6' 220, my thighs aren't exactly slim.

pros: Versus the cat and soft-ts, *these are VERY lightweight, ridiculously so. *Can get just as tight, and in my opinion, tighter. *Requires less fine motorskills, so CAN be faster to apply when you're nervous, vs fumbling with velcro and tabs. *This has no moving parts. *And, can be applied one handed proficiently,you wrap it around with no pressure, and then start stretching it, and it will stick to itself, and holdstart wrapping tighter. *Very unlike cat's and soft-t's, where you're a dumb*ss if you never took it out of it's wrapping, because they require preparation to be applied. These, do not. You can remove one from packaging easily, with gloves on, and then it's just stretch and wrap... oh, and tuck. With all equipment, training and knowing what you're doing with it before you need it, helps. *It can hold icepacks, very well actually, again, see last sentence and first sentence of review.

con: Versus the cat and soft-ts, *I don't know of anyone who's actually used this realtime. I know it has good statistics in it's realtime field testing. But I don't know the individuals that used it. I trust soft-t's because I've already had to use them. *You can't release pressure on these as simply as unwinding the rod one rotation, to check for clotting. It can be adjusted to lesser tension, without removal, but it's more difficult. (That truly doesn't matter if you're not the medical officer, but it is an observation) *It is a rubber, (latex free), and it's possible they could dry out. Tourniquets are always hanging on the outside of packs, and just inside them, getting hit with all the elements. These are designed to not dry out and crack, and I haven't seen one that has dried out. I haven't even seen one that's torn. However, my two bells that went off when I was introduced to it, was it tearing, once it's applied, and it gets the smallest pin prick, and popping right off. And it drying out. But no evidence to support either of those. Just worries. *As for the expiration, I got mine in March of '10, and the expirations are 15 Oct 2014 for mine. And, with most certainty, that's a 'best by' date, also it's airtight sealed in foil/plastic bag, leave it in the bag, and there should be no reason that it'll last for many, many years. Open one, and learn how to use it, and leave the rest, stored in the bags, they are easy to get open.

synopsis; They intrigue me. I would like to buy 10 and perform my own rugged test, but it's not my priority. I do keep these in my trauma kit, as a secondary tourniquet to two soft-t's. I also keep one in a firstaid bag for outdoor recreation, and one in a pack in my trunk. I trust that they will stop bleeding, and in a car accident, or an hiking mishap, I'm not worried. How small and light they are makes them awesome. My concern is how well it will work, being in 140 degrees for months, and then being applied, it not cracking, and then it not breaking from sharp objects, gear snagging, shrapnel, being drug across rock and pavement, etc. For that, I stick with the soft-t as a primary, and haven't had to use them as a backup yet. Even if they do expire, every 4 yearsif they are the best tourniquet (don't know if they are), then spending $10 on life insurance, every 4 years is something I can afford. I think they're field proven, and will trust them in such, just not fully combat proven yet, IMHO.

Use this as a secondary tourniquet. I have found it difficult to use single handed with my non-dominant hand. Have used one to create a pressure dressing and it worked VERY well.

Buy SWAT-T Tourniquet Now

So you are giving this product a single star because it doesn't hold ice packs in place? That is something that it is not even designed to do. What is your medical cert? It sounds as though you might benefit from some medical training. Even with "real tourniquets (i.e. CAT and SOF tourniquets)," after a single real-time application they should be tossed. For us, after using a tourniquet during training exercises, it will be taken out of circulation for out in the field. This product works, same with ratchet straps, bungie cords, and strips of cloth, etc. You do not need to buy a REAL tourniquet for $25, you have the ability to make you own as well. This product is great, compact, lightweight, and is able to go high in the armpit and thigh regions, where bullet holes like to hide. Trauma surgeons recommend and use this product. Oh, and as mentioned before, all tourniquets have expiration dates on them. Materials do degrade over time, and this way, fire stations, military units, and other first responder programs are able to justify purchasing more, because you can never have too much gear.

Current certs: EMT, Tactical Medic, Tactical Medic Instructor, EMT Instructor, First Responder Instructor

Read Best Reviews of SWAT-T Tourniquet Here

One of those items you are glad to have and hope to never need. Multiple use item, best for a kit.

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Item is new and innovative and not easy to find elsewhere. This is a must have for emergency medical kits.


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