Summer Infant Complete Nursery Care Kit

Summer Infant Complete Nursery Care KitThis is definitely the set to get. It includes everything you'll need for baby well care in a convenient storage pouch. I tend to leave things all over my house but with this kit I never have to search for tiny items. All of the pieces I've tried so far work very well also. The clippers are my favorite since they are very easy to handle. The scissors work for nails as well. The brush is excellent....very soft bristles for my daughter who doesn't have much hair yet. Nail files and alcohol swabs are nice extras. The bulb syringe works better than the one from Gerber that I have and the thermometer was a cinch to use as well. I have yet to use the medicine dropper or water temp taker but I doubt there is anything wrong with those items. I also have to wait for my daughter's teeth before I test the toothbrush but it's nice that I have everything handy already. I love this set and keep it clipped on my nursery cart. It also comes with a useful book on taking care of your baby. Definitely the best kit with the most baby essentials.

I suppose first-time parents think that this is the best collection of baby necessities available! But, what first-time parents don't realize is that you'll get the most important of these things from your hospital when you leave after having baby! I've volunteered and had children at several hospitals in several states, and the going-home kit always included a nasal aspirator, a little brush and comb set, a bunch of alcohol wipes to care for the umbilical stub, a shampoo scrub brush (not included in this set, but fabulous, especially for cradle-cap babies), and a little baby nail clipper. What's included that is unnecessary:

emery boards/scissors: baby's nails stay soft for most of the first year, to the point that you can just peel off the overgrown part of the nail easily, without having to contend with a wriggling baby in one arm and a sharp implement in the other hand

medicine dropper/spoon: should your baby require liquid antibiotics, the medicine will come with a syringe-type applicator, which you place into baby's mouth and then press the plunger to dispense. Use a spoon? Baby will swat it out of your hand and you'll have pink and white stains everywhere. Use a medicine dropper? Very slow and you have to keep refilling the bulb. Your baby's meds will come with the dispenser, so these are unnecessary.

temperature tester: very very inaccurate, especially since babies are still not quite self-regulating when it comes to body temperature.

digital thermometer: do yourself a favor and register for an ear thermometer. It will last much longer -years! -and can be used for an older child as well as a wriggly, sick baby. Believe me, baby will not quietly say AH and put the thermometer in his mouth when he feels awful... and just try putting it in the other way!

toothbrush: bristles are NOT recommended for children under 2. Instead, toothbrushes that have rubber tips/points are recommended, to massage teething gums and be gentle on new baby teeth.

Don't waste your money buying this kit. Get what you can as a gift fro your hospital, invest in a good ear thermometer, and get one of the sets of grow-up-with-baby toothbrushes that "at a baby store"

Buy Summer Infant Complete Nursery Care Kit Now

This is a very useful set in a handy carrying pouch. Although I haven't used all the items on my newborn baby yet, it's good to know that I'll have the tools available when I need them. The nail clippers and nail files have been the most useful so far (my baby is 2 1/2 months old). And I also use the hair brush frequently. The set also includes alcohol packets (for the baby's belly button) but I had plenty from the hospital so I never used them. My only complaint is the nail aspirator. The length of the tube is very short (compared to one I received at the hospital) and the bulb is difficult to compress, so I find it difficult to get a good suction when I need to clear her nose. Otherwise, I highly recommend this item its a handy set for the price!

Read Best Reviews of Summer Infant Complete Nursery Care Kit Here

This Nursery and Bath Care Set contains a number of highly useful baby items stored in a case that's compact and sturdy enough for regular travel. Our son recently turned two and we still have the kit on-hand for almost daily use.

The best items include

* the well-designed medicine spoon: It stands upright on its own so you can pour liquids into it and see how much you've dispensed; the guidelines are metric on one side and English on the other; the spoon itself is sized well for baby with little to no mess

* the nail clippers: Big handle for sure gripping while holding a potentially squirmy customer

* the bath thermometer: Much more accurate than so many other bath toys that try to do double duty as a thermometer).

The most disappointing component was predictably the thermometer. It's a pretty simplistic digital model that needed to be held in place too long to get very accurate readings from a baby. My wife and I use it ourselves and it works fine. If your baby tends to get a lot of fevers, invest in a high-end ear or forehead thermometer for the best combination of accuracy and speed. The toothbrush is also not very helpful because by the time baby is ready to begin brushing, he or she will want a less clinical-looking model with a smaller, softer head than this one has.

One note on the negative review at the top of the page: maybe everyone should move to Ann Arbor, MI before delivering because the hospitals and pharmacies are much more liberal with their giveaways there. We loved our hospital experience, but our parting gifts consisted of a bulb aspirator (which wasn't as nice as the one in this kit), a pat on the back and a "have a nice day now". Leaving the hospital and coming home with a newborn, especially your first, can be an unbelievably hectic time I wouldn't want to rely on the possibility of freebies to help us take care of our baby.

Given the low cost of this kit, it's well worth knowing that you're prepared to come home with your newborn. And the Nursery and Bath Care Set will continue to pay off with its travel convenience and useful contents for years to come.

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My sister bought this for my cousin's baby shower and she says that it works great!! She really loves the fact that there are handles on the clippers and scissors so it will prevent from slipping out of the mother's hands. She also loves the bathtub thermometer. I would love to have this as a baby shower gift!


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