Rogaine for Men Hair Regrowth Treatment, 5% Minoxidil Topical Aerosol, Easy-to-Use Foam, 2.11 Ounce

Men's Rogaine Hair Regrowth Treatment Foam, 3 Month SupplyHair loss is a complicated issue that there is still no magic pill.

Like all product, it is a hit or miss. You will need to find one that works for you. Rogaine worked wonderfully for me. Although I use other products in conjunction with it (more below).

A little background:

I am in my late 40s with progressive hair loss symptoms. I have fine black hair and dry scalp than normal. My parents/grandparents were not bald at my age so heredity is questionable, although still possible because it can skip a few generation.

The product:

I used to use Rogaine liquid but it spills everywhere and trickles down into my forehead, face and eyes. Not very pleasant.

This foam just works so well, in fact, I do not use any styling product anymore. I used to use an organic hair paste that is very gentle but even gave that up.

This foam is your styling gel. I pump a little bit on my hands and rub it all over my hair. Now wait 5 minutes to let it dry a little bit.

Once it is dry, you can style is however you like and it will mold to that shape.

The results:

After over a year of using it almost everyday, it has dramatically slowed down my hair loss problem. Less hair in tubs, less hair falling off while blow drying, less hair on my towels and comb, just less hair everywhere.

As far as growth goes, it is hard to say because I have always had thin hair since I was a kid. Rogaine will not change your DNA and turn you into a hairy caveman. However, it will help prevent hair loss and hopefully grow back some of the hair you lost (not all of them of course).

The reason why I like this product so much is because it is not an extra product or an additional step I have to take. I use it just like a styling gel and incorporate it into my daily routine.

Although Rogaine works, I m not giving it all the credit. I have made many lifestyle changes and also use other products to help with hair loss problem.

Some of which I am sharing below:

Through years of research, I have found a therapy that works for me and many of my friends. It is not easy and requires lifestyle changes. I will outline them below:

First, start with diet. Increase raw organic foods. Reduce processed foods to the minimum. I recommend juicing everyday using a high quality juicer such as this one Breville BJE510XL Juice Fountain Multi-Speed 900-Watt Juicer. Remember to juice only organic vegetables and fruits. Wash them thoroughly after you soak them in a dilution of distilled water, 3% vinegar and a spoon full of baking soda for 10 minutes minimum.

These are the 10 fruits/veggies I juice everyday: Cucumbers (un-waxed), ginger, celery, spinach, bitter melon, carrots, apple, orange, cilantro and beets.

This recipe will not only help with hair loss, it will help with cancer, arthritus, heart diseases, headaches, weight loss, diabetes, migraine, anti-aging, and everything in between.

Juice it and drink it right away within 10 minutes. Don't store or refrigerate it as it wont be potent and looses the benefits due to oxidation.

I recommend this book: The Juicing Bible

Second, exercise! Not on a treadmill in your garage but actually go out running around the park! Practicing this breathing rhythm. Inhale for 5 seconds, hold for 5 and exhale for 5. Then slow do 10,10,10 once you are good.

Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, 3 days a week. Minimum! No excuses.

Weight training is also good but for hair loss, I found that aerobic exercises such as running and swimming is more effective based on my research.

Third: Use an organic shampoo without SLS (sulfates), or harsh preservatives and has DHT Blocker. You can actually make your own using Dr. Bronner Organic Castile Soap Unscented Baby-Mild, 32 fl oz liquid liquid and adding saw palmetto, nettles extract, and essential oils to it. However, it is sticky and makes your hair tangled up so you will need to rinse it out with apple cider vinegar as a natural conditioner after.

Or you can buy an Organic Hair Loss Prevention Shampoo on Amazon such as Pura d'or Hair Loss Prevention: Premium Organic Shampoo (16 fl. oz.)

Fourth: Stop using hairsprays and avoid high heat blow dryer. Dry on cool or low setting. Best just to use a fan to dry your hair after you damp it with a towel. Save the hairsprays for special events. There are organic pastes that you can use that is less harmful than hairsprays but I wouldn't recommend them unless you have to.

Fifth: Take biotin pills. These are very popular and inexpensive. Natrol Biotin 10,000mcg, Maximum Strength, 100 Tablets

Sixth: Reduce stress by Exercising! Change career if possible and if you care about your hair.

I don't normally like to talk about hair loss and I don't want to give my own experience, but I've seen so many people out there that can't figure out what works for hair loss, so I really wanted to give my 2 cents and help people out.

I used Rogaine foam for about 4 months before seeing results, and I did see enough regrowth to feel like I was getting my money's worth. However, I did wish that I had seen better results. I'm not picky when it comes to most products because I know that it's not like rogaine is magic.

Although Rogaine is a great product and gave me good results, I still think that there are products out there that are a more COMPLETE treatment system. After all, rogaine only does one thing to help stop hair loss, and that is that it helps bloodflow to your follicles. However, there are lots of other things that help. Decreasing DHT in the bloodstream helps. And so does having a good clean scalp. Changing your diet and taking supplements can certainly take care of that for you.

About 10 months after starting on Rogaine, I switched to HairIntegro for Men because it really does work better for me. The topical minoxidil works at least as great as rogaine does, and the oral supplement that goes with it decreases DHT and has been giving me much better results for the last 6 months or so. Also, it's relatively cheap because both treatments come together.

I know it's not a miracle product like I said, but there's no reason to stick to just one product and only get half of a treatment instead of branching out and seeing much better results.

Buy Rogaine for Men Hair Regrowth Treatment, 5% Minoxidil Topical Aerosol, Easy-to-Use Foam, 2.11 Ounce Now

Swear by this stuff. Use it once a day to maintain hairline that was once mildly to moderately receeded.

Read Best Reviews of Rogaine for Men Hair Regrowth Treatment, 5% Minoxidil Topical Aerosol, Easy-to-Use Foam, 2.11 Ounce Here

This product works great, and if you combine it daily with a few other supplements that block DHT formation (Saw Palmetto, Nu-Hair, flaxseed oil, Niozin shampoo) it can really make a difference. Don't give up if you don't see results right away or if you notice more stray hairs coming outthis actually means that it's working. Stay faithful putting it on (morning and evening) and you will probably begin to see noticeable results around the 3-4 month mark. I highly recommend this over pills such as Propecia which have considerably negative side effects for some. It dries very quickly and nicely and the scent is not very bothersome at all. You may want to use slightly more than the recommended dosagethe instructions state that it only works on the vertex (mid-back of the scalp) but this is not true. It has REALLY grown hair for me around the temples, but it took longer to come in. The first place I noticed was that the back of my hair, which had thinned a bit, was now covered (after about 1-2 months). I'm at the 5 month mark now and am still seeing great results. Give it time, be patient, and wait for it to work. I think people might give up too easily because they think it's not working, but it does take time. It also works great if you use any kind of concealers on the scalp (like toppik or courve, spencer forrest brands)it works with those as well, just allow it to dry before putting anything else on your hair. Drying time is about 5-10 minutes max. Anyway, highly recommended for hair lossbe faithful in using it, be patient, and the results will come. Good luck to everyone on looking your best!

Want Rogaine for Men Hair Regrowth Treatment, 5% Minoxidil Topical Aerosol, Easy-to-Use Foam, 2.11 Ounce Discount?

My doctor said it best, "If a product works then you won't hear about it, but if a product fails then everyone becomes a bitter critic". So, for my two cents for what it's worth; the product for the last five months has worked for me. My hair loss was minimal and mostly involved the left temple receding higher then I wanted, which caused a noticeable gap sometimes when my medium-long hair was parted, but since taking this product the gap has seemed to vanish. Even examining my hair I can tell it has been filling in slowly.

Is it a permanent solution, having to apply a substance to my head twice a day for thirty seconds a pop? No, but also I like to remain optimistic and believe we are closer to an actual cure. So, my mind set now is that if I can fight this long enough by using a product such as Rogaine, then why not? Roughly, it cost me about 150 for a year supply. If that's all it takes to remain youthful when I'm pushing thirty then by all means, take my money.

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