PetAlive Ear Dr. - Ear Drops for Pets (30ml)

PetAlive Ear Dr. - Ear Drops for PetsI have a dog (great pyrenees) that is constantly getting ear infections. I was looking for a way to avoid taking him to the office so they can determine what I already knew.

After putting the oil in, unlike the other medicines he did not walk around shaking his head like a crazy dog either, he would shake his head a little bit and then go back to what he was doing. I started to notice results in about 3 days after using the product. I will continue to purchase this product for my ear-infection-prone-dog!!!

Although, with some of the ingredients, even though it says it's safe to use for a cat, I would research before using.

This product has tree tea oil in it which is HIGHLY TOXIC to cats and apparently to dogs too. Just do a google search and you will see lots and lots of information on this subject. It can seriously harm and even kill your cat. Do not use it or any other essential oil on your cat. I have written the company about this issue if they get back to me I will update this review with their feedback. Frankly I now mistrust this company because tea tree oil toxicity in cats is common knowledge so marketing this product as safe for cats is due to ignorance or irresponsibility, either of which does not inspire confidence. Plus their prices are a total rip off.

Here's an account of putting it on a dog.

Maybe you all know this already, but I just learned it the hard way: TEA TREE OIL IS POISONOUS TO DOGS AND CATS. My dog Momo is okay now, but I STUPIDLY put some tea tree oil on his paws and a few hours later, he could not stand up. We rushed to the vet ER and he required IV flushing, activated charcoal, discussion with Poison Control, overnight monitoring, and an extreme bath. I have since researched this online and apparently it is widely known to be toxic -so this is not unique to my dog. SOMETIMES it is used in very diluted amounts in dog shampoo and as a flea or tick repellent; but personally, I would urge you to research it before using it IN ANY AMOUNT. (That is what I should have done!) It is just as dangerous when it is absorbed through the skin as when it is ingested orally and causes NEUROLOGICAL REACTIONS and can cause LIVER DAMAGE. THANK GOD there was a good doctor at the ER that night to make up for my own idiocy. Anyway, I hope this will prevent this from happening to everyone elses pets....Oddly enough, it is not included on any of the lists of things that are toxic to dogs...if we have a list, maybe we should add it....THANK YOU.

Buy PetAlive Ear Dr. - Ear Drops for Pets (30ml) Now

My 2 year old spaniel cross had been scratching her ears for months, causing them to be sore and it was making her very bad tempered and also lethargic. I had been researching for a natural remedy as I do not like to use antibiotics etc (and the expense to see the vet!) as most of them cause even more problems. After checking them all out "PetAlive Ear Dr" seemed to be the best one.

I ordered this product and with ONE treatment she stopped scratching her ears! She didn't much like having them put in (but loved the ear massage after) but the change in her within an hour was amazing. No more itchy ears! She wanted to play, had her "happy face" on (tongue lolling, big smile) and you could see she was no longer irritated by her ears itching constantly.

I will keep using it for a week to ensure that her ears are clear and then do a maintenance dose to ensure they stay that way.

A wonderful product that I would recommend to anyone.

Read Best Reviews of PetAlive Ear Dr. - Ear Drops for Pets (30ml) Here

I originally posted review 3 days after using it. Now I am on the the second bottle, using it for 3.5 months and wanted update my experience (original review is at the end).

Thanks to this product, my dog's ear infection is almost healed completely now. The biggest difference this product made was to stop producing ear wax right away and all started come out slowly (some were so large that I couldn't even believe). Bad smell from ear (caused by bacteria) is gone and replaced with nice tea tree oil smell. Also the color of ear canal became very healthy looking which I saw for the first time in last 4 years. All these were noticed in the first week.

What I've been fighting still is the built up ear wax to come out completely (still see a little bit left) and after that, it looks like I can stop using it. Now I really feel like seeing a light at the end of the tunnel and can't tell how happy this product made me.

I would recommend reading PetAlive website also which explains how to use this product.


I started using this product 3 days ago and already see a big difference. This is amazing and almost gave me tears thinking back what me and my dog had gone through in the last 4 years with his ear infection.

I have a 9 years old German Shepherd and from one incident (which required a minor surgery), he started having abnormal amount of ear wax. Vet suggested and the wax had been removed twice (requires sedation every time which I was too worried about), but the wax kept coming back.

Since then, I've been monitoring his ear 4-5 time a week and using ear flush (from the vet) at least once a week. The amount of wax settled down a bit but it just didn't look like getting any better.

I found some pimples in his ear last week and while researching it on line, I found this product. It is actually a lot cheaper to buy directly from PetAlive website (they are having a deal right now), but did not wan to wait so I ordered through amazon (I get all my shipments in 2 days with Prime membership).

The biggest difference I noticed is that the strong odor he had from his infected ear is totally gone on the 2nd day and actually smells good now for the first time in 4 years! Skin color is already back to normal pinkish color and the pimples have gotten so much smaller and almost all gone.

Still have some wax left but it's coming out a little by little every day. According to PetAlive website, it will take for a while to be totally healed, so I will see how it goes and edit this post accordingly.

This is not a medicine and made from natural ingredients only, but it works better than anything else I've tried in the past. Hopefully this will be the cure and my dog doesn't have to suffer any longer.

I've looked through the entire PetAlive website and actually just purchased "Muscle and Joint Support" for my other dog (will arrive tomorrow).

Updates on June 23rd 2011:

I am having the same problem again... and I found another good product which also works very well. It is Zymox Optic Enzymatic Solution (Amazon also sells). Not smells as good as this one but it worked faster.

Want PetAlive Ear Dr. - Ear Drops for Pets (30ml) Discount?

I was so happy to find this product compared to the toxic ear mite medication I had been using, which smelled terrible and seemed to cause more irritation to my cats' ears. I like the fact that it's natural and if the cats get it in their eyes or lick it, it can't cause problems like the miticide I had been using. Great, wonderful product! It is pricey, though.

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