Savlon Antiseptic Cream

Savlon Antiseptic CreamI have rather frequent patches ot eczema that form on my fingers and thumbs. While visiting New Zealand last December, I ran out of the usual cream I'd been using to help control the problem. The itching is somewhat controlled by antihistamines and of anti-itch creams, and the splitting of the skin I'd been trying to manage wth a number of creams and ointments.

I discovered Savlon in a small neighborhood grocery store in Auckland. When I began ti use it (right away) is was soothting and helped heal the split skin in less time than what I'd been using.

There is nothing like it in the US. So, I checked and found an Amazon source that would ship from Australia where the cream is ,manufactured. Because of the distances involved shipping from Australia to California, the wait was about three weeks. I did not use any expedited shipping because I knew avg shipping time from China and the South Pacific can be around three weeks because the orders are usually by boat.

It was worth the wait. The Savlon cream arrived just in time as I am currently experiencing another breakout on one finger and both thumbs.


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