Since I was curious about the food and water when considering purchasing this kit: There is enough food and water for ONE ADULT for NO MORE THAN 2 DAYS. The water included is in the form of 6 foil packets of just over 4 oz. each. The food is in some sort of energy bar form. I use the word bar loosely, as the product seems to be in square shapes. There are 6 of these bars in the sealed foil packet, and I have not opened it, as I'm not certain of how they are packaged inside, and want to maintain product freshness for as long as possible.
Overall the kit is impressive, and the individual components seem to be quality items. I tried the flashlight that's motion activated and it worked. I also fiddled with the radio/lantern combination for just a short time and was shocked to hear short bursts of radio reception. I didn't fiddle with it long enough to tune in a station, but there is a scan button and a reset button that will reset the dial to the minimum frequency of 87.5 MHz.I purchased this kit from a deal-a-day website at a discounted rate. As a entry-level survivalist, and living in rough terrain in Minnesota and make road trips regularly, this is a good kit to have as a "just in case" scenario. Also, the kit is packaged in a good backpack and contains good equipment along with room to add you own essentials. A few extra protein bars and water purification tablets or drops would be helpful. It would also be important to keep this kit in conjunction with a tent, tarp, water storage container, etc. If one is serious about survival and the situations that could happen, this is a good place to start, but read up on survival strategies along with how to survive in the wild along with basic survival strategies, and you should be well on your way to being prepared for almost whatever can happen.
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