Espree Paw Balm For Dogs

Espree Paw Balm For DogsI have an English Shepherd whose paws bleed and crack in the winter. Snow gets caught in the hair between his paw pads and forms into balls of ice. He eventually can't walk and when he rips the ice out, it usually has blood in it. :0(

I bought Musher's Secret on Amazon and have been waiting for it to arrive. In the meantime, I went to my local Petco and got this product, not expecting too much.

It is made with lanolin, so it is rather oily. The wax melts right away in your hands and is easy to apply to the paws. My dog did not seem bothered by my applying it to his paws.

I applied it right before we went to the dog park after our Chicago blizzard. When he went into the deep snow, he did not pick up his paws from the cold as he had earlier that day. He did get ice between his toes, just as much as before, but the difference was that I could slide the ice pellets right off the fur without ripping the fur out, hurting him, or without having to melt it. To me, this was a huge improvement. We had to stop about 10 times in 50 minutes worth of time, but at least there was no pain involved. Also, when we got into the car, he quickly removed by himself what was left of the ice.

After just one use, his paw pads are smoother and the cracks looks far less painful. I can only imagine how much better they will be after several uses.

I am happy to say this works fairly well for a winter situation. It seems to protect a bit from the cold, makes paw pads smoother, and keeps the ice from becoming dangerously embedded in between the foot pads. It only loses a star for not protecting a bit more against the ice, but really, it's a very useful product nonetheless.

I recommend this product!

The product works really great, I actually got this for my dog who has been licking her paws raw, they were all red and raw and it has made such a difference in one week, her paws actually went back to her normal pink color!

Buy Espree Paw Balm For Dogs Now

I like to pamper my dog and be 100% ready for anything that my happen and when i went on a camping trip where we be walking on rocks, sand and dirt for a long time I wanted to make sure I had something incase my dogs paws became sore since he is a small poodle mix and mostly stays indoors. I really like this product it made his paws look very healthy and hydrated in just a few days. Plus when my husband was having very dry cracking skin in his foot I told him to try this without telling him it was for dogs and it make his skin heal up nicely with no re-cracking of the skin. He laughed once I told him it was for the dog. Now I'm not saying to people this will heal every skin foot problem because the issue my husband has comes and goes so this just seem to help with it not coming back and healing nicely. I would totally recommend this product

Read Best Reviews of Espree Paw Balm For Dogs Here

My dog loves to run and skid to a stop for a ball in the dog park. I noticed he was limping a little and when I looked his paws were cracked everywhere! I got this balm and the next day, no limping. He likes the smell so he will actually lay down in my husbands lap and let him put the balm on. It is also good in the cold weather so the salt doesn't irritate your dogs pads.

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My dog, like most dogs, hate having their paws touched and despise having something put on them. If I am able to get this on my dog's paws without him eating it off, it does wonders for his cracked paw pads.


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