Sovereign Silver First Aid Gel

Sovereign Silver, 2 Oz. First Aid GelMy friend had a rescued hound dog who had a gaping wound above her right eye. The wound would continually ooze and not heal. You could actually see inside to the bone. In the summer time, the flies would attack it. She took this dog to numerous vets over a two year period and they could do nothing to heal this wound. They kept giving antibiotics which, of course, had no effect. At one point, they suggested she be put down. As a last resort, I convinced her to try this gel. Although she was skeptcal, she could not believe that within one week, she began to see improvement. To the surprise of her veterinarian, the would completely healed.

I have had great success with this gel. My son gets huge boils that the gel heals completely. It's amazing stuff. As an aside, a little goes a long way so it's not expensive either. I always have a bottle on hand and usually end up passing it on to someone in need and have to replenish it.

I read the accolades in the other reviews and decided it was worth a try. Definitely worth it! I got a 2nd degree burn on my calf from motorcycle exhaust. While waiting for receipt, the Neosporin was protecting from infection, but healing was slow. Once I received this and started using, the progression of healing was just shy of miraculous. Each time I change the dressing, the wound is noticeably smaller.

Buy Sovereign Silver First Aid Gel Now

I keep a bottle of this in the medicine cabinet all the time now. I'm sensitive to much too much stuff, but this silver product is fantastic and helped heal a wound that I had been treating for 5 weeks. Worth every penny.

Read Best Reviews of Sovereign Silver First Aid Gel Here

This stuff works great on any cuts, bruises, insect bites, etc... A natural, but powerful gel. A must have for your medicine cabinet if you like natural alternatives!

Want Sovereign Silver First Aid Gel Discount?

it is probaly a good product in general, but it did nothing to help my eczema or rosacea..... thought i would try it out topically first..... i will not buy this again

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