GenTeal Lubricant Eye Gel, Severe Dry Eye Relief, Extra Value, 2 Tubes

GenTeal Lubricant Eye Gel, Severe Dry Eye Relief, Extra Value, 2 TubesThis is Preservative Free (as is "Refresh PM") which prevents irritation caused by repeated use of preservatives. Many people continue to use ointments with preservatives to try to combat the irritation caused by the preservatives which just makes things worse.

The main difference between this and "Refresh PM" is that "Gen Teal" is dissipated by morning whereas "Refresh PM" ointment leaves a film over the eye that will blur your vision the next morning. "

You may prefer "Gen Teal" for eye irritations such as less severe "dry eye" and "Refresh PM" may be preferable for those desiring a thicker layer of protection from more severe cornea problems such as "recurrent corneal erosion". The above is based upon the recommendation of four ophthalmologists (including 2 that specialize in treatment of the cornea) that I have consulted. Of course, each person's eye fragility may differ.

It is always advisable to check with your ophthalmologist first before using any eye medication.

After removing cataracts from both eyes 7 years ago, the doctor told me that it would be important to use the proper lubricants daily for my comfort. He recommended natural-tears type drops during the day and GenTeal Severe Dry Eye Gel at night. The reason for the gel at night is that it provides much longer lasting lubrication than do the drops. So every night I squeeze a little gel in both eyes before turning off the light, and on those occasional days when late in the afternoon an eye feel scratchy and the drops don't help, I put a little gel in the eye and get relief.

This is a medication that I would not be without.

Buy GenTeal Lubricant Eye Gel, Severe Dry Eye Relief, Extra Value, 2 Tubes Now

I suffer from blepharitis, severe dry eyes. Hands down, to date, this is the very best product on the market. It has literally changed my life. I'm not cured, but these are not regular eye drops, which I also use, along with prescription drops.

Read Best Reviews of GenTeal Lubricant Eye Gel, Severe Dry Eye Relief, Extra Value, 2 Tubes Here

i have had a dry problem for 25 years. had an eye injury and the eye won't close all the way. have always used vizine. got new glasses a month ago and the dr. gave me a tube of genteal for severe dry eyes. greatest product that i have ever used. thank you genteal. i purchased this product at amazon.

Want GenTeal Lubricant Eye Gel, Severe Dry Eye Relief, Extra Value, 2 Tubes Discount?

This product was recommended to me by my eye doctor when I complained of dry eyes at night. It has worked wonderfully. The order was shipped and received as promised. Also, the price is less than at even Walmart. I will be ordering again.


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