3M Ultrathon Insect Repellent Lotion, 2-Ounce

3M Ultrathon Insect Repellent Lotion, 2-OunceI went to Thailand and was terrified of mosquitoes, since my friends said they got eaten up by them. I used this product and I didn't get bit anywhere, except where I didn't apply, like my face, ears, and behind my knees and elbows. It worked great wherever it was applied. My friend who used Off spray got bit even if he used the product. The product does leave a slight waxy film on you after application, but it seems that all deet products leave some film and it's something you have to get used to if you want to protect yourself from mosquito bites. I get welts from mosquito bites and would rather tolerate the waxy feel than the bites.

Camped at a natural spring in Florida, didn't get bit once after applying it. Florida, even in springtime, is hot and humid, even at night, and the mosquitoes are about the size of a penny with angles like a stealth fighter jet. That, coupled with the gnats and miscellaneous other insects, makes for a very uncomfortable camping trip if you aren't prepared.

Some people may be weary of putting it near their eyes, but when they say it's splash and sweat resistant, they mean it. I put it on above my eyebrows and directly below my eyelids, and didn't get any in my eyes at all, and trust me, while we were out finding firewood at 10pm-2am (yes we're a little on the adventurous side), I was sweating like nobody's business. This stuff hung in like a champ.

In comparison, my brother was using Off spray (can't remember which kind), and had to keep reapplying it almost every hour, and was still getting bit. I offered him mine, but he's "a man", and "don't take no charity from nobody."

Also, the tube may look a bit small, but you don't need much of it. Even with a thin coat on, it keeps the bugs away.

Buy 3M Ultrathon Insect Repellent Lotion, 2-Ounce Now

So we had just taken a trip to the Peruvian Amazon Rainforest and needless to say there were a lot of mosquitoes there. The stuff works as long as you dont sweat. As soon as you start sweating the deet stops working. But thats the case with any Deet product. This stuff is greasy and i put it on my face and surprisingly I didnt break out from it. However I would get this and also make sure to get a permethrin clothes spray as well bc the mosquitoes will go through all clothing and sit there too! I think this stuff works well just like any other deet product but just make sure u also get the spray for your clothes as well!

Read Best Reviews of 3M Ultrathon Insect Repellent Lotion, 2-Ounce Here

I spent two weeks in the dengue and malaria-carrying mosquito coast of Colombia. A liberal application of Ultrathon immediately following every morning shower and a reapplication in the late afternoon kept me absolutely mosquito-bite free. In the two weeks, I barely went thru a 2oz tube, so it was well worth it. Of course, you have to minimize exposed skin with long sleeves, tucked in pants, etc, which conserves a bit of the precious Ultrathon. Permethrin treated clothing helps too.

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While on an extended camping/hiking/fishing trip along Lake Superior, the black flies and mosquitoes were, bloodthirsty. We used this product works and it works well at keeping the bugs at bay, but is not for those with sensitive skin. For the product causes breakouts on face, arms and hands. While, the repellent keeps most bugs at bay, it does not work well on biting flies.

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