PSC-Pronation/Spring Control

Fabrifoam PSC Left -MediumPSC-Pronation/Spring Control have been helpful in alleivating some heel pain, back pain and helpful in correcting ankle ronation(turn over on your foot.)

PSC Fabrifoam is flexible, but firm enough to hold the foot without having to have your ankles taped everyday.

A simple idea that is under patent and because it is under patent, the price of the PSC remains expensive, considering it is a lightweight simply designed product and more than one may be needed. Also, if you don't take gentle care of the PSC, they will not last you very long. Conversely, if you take care of you PSC, it will help you for a realtively long time maybe a year.

I like to keep 2 lefts and 2 rights on hand. Alternating the PSC worn each day extends the life of the product too. Prices at the Fabrifoam website are around $32-$35 for one.

It is NOT just a stretchy brown wrap that you find in the drugstore. There is a heavy duty outer layer that stretches just a bit not a lot.

The wrap has a foamy soft inside to make it comfortable and to stay gently on the foot. However, the foamy part will eventually(soon than I would like) begin to separate from the brown outer layer.

Be careful not to SOAK the wrap when washing. Use on a tiny tiny bit of a very mild detergent, wash quickly, squeeze a bit to get excess water out and lay flat on a towel. NEVER machine wash or machine dry. (The foam is glued to the outer layer and leaving the wrap soaking in water will speed deterioration really quickly.)

In spite of the price, the patented wrap is very useful for me with high arches and beginnings of heel spurs & plantar fasciitis.

It reduces the Force of the heel strike and for me, helps a lot with keeping my back more aligned. (I.E. Walking without turning outward or inward on the foot helps the back stay in alignment too. At least it does for me.

The PSC was recommended to me by a PHYSCIAL THERPIST who showed me exactly how to put on the PSC, but there are instructions ON THE BOX.

There is only one little piece of velcro inside the box and it is easy to lose. However, that tiny piece is often not needed. (go to the fabric store and get a wee bit of THIN velco(only need the non-sticky side.)

In conclusion, the PSC has been very helpful for me, but the PSC requires gentle care and costs a lot. I would recommend them.

I give them 4 stars, instead of 5 because of price and lack of longevity in wear. But, like I said, "if you take gentle care of them they will last longer.

I gave it a try but it didn't work for me. It's inexpensive and cheaply made. I wore it for about 10 days and it was destroyed.

Buy PSC-Pronation/Spring Control Now

I think this product is overpriced but it does really help if having pain from plantar fasciitis. It doesn't seem to last too long either. When in pain, I guess it's worth the price. I have ordered these three times.

Read Best Reviews of PSC-Pronation/Spring Control Here

I found this product to be useless. As soon as I put it on, the edges rolled causing them to be uncomfortable. And they accomplished nothing. The vendor was excellent, so I gave it an extra star.

Want PSC-Pronation/Spring Control Discount?

It worked well right away and it was sooo much cheaper than podiatrist's orthotics. It lasted a reasonable amount of time.

Save 55% Off


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