ELASTIKON Elastic Tape One Roll: 2'' x 180'' Stretched - Each

ELASTIKON Elastic Tape One Roll: 2'' x 180'' Stretched - EachI first began using elastikon on dogs and horses because their hair and movement makes it difficult to do a wrap that stays in place. This product was a lifesaver when my dog had an aural hematoma. The only thing I could find to wrap his ear with that he couldn't shake off. Instead of getting looser over time the adhesive actually sticks better. Having a pair of nursing shears or blunt scissors to cut it off is a good idea. Expect some residue from the adhesive when removed.

This is great product to include in your first aid kit. For immediate care of wounds I would recommend an Israeli Battle Dressing. Once bleeding is controlled and the patient is ready to be moved a wrap with Elastikon is more secure and long term. Keep it in a ziplock so it doesn't dry out.

*As with all compression bandaging to be left in place, be very conscious of circulation!

My vet gave me a partial roll to tape my Dobies ears. This is the BEST tape EVER! It's the only one he couldn't shake off but yet didn't tear up his ears when I removed it.

Buy ELASTIKON Elastic Tape One Roll: 2'' x 180'' Stretched - Each Now

No other tape will stick and last through the the abuse that feet will take in modern dance on some floors.

Read Best Reviews of ELASTIKON Elastic Tape One Roll: 2'' x 180'' Stretched - Each Here

Just what I wanted. It serves the purpose for which I purchased it! If you need it, buy it here.

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i don't know how i managed to live without it all these years. my vet mentioned it to me as a good way to wrap a wound at coronary band. it worked so well.


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