Bayer Advanced Aspirin Extra Strength, 500mg, 20-Count

Bayer Advanced Aspirin Extra Strength, 500mg, 20-CountThese work like normal but they really do work a price. I have had two bottles and tho kept in organal bottle with the thing inside to keep them from getting moist. Within a month they were falling apart due to any humidity in the air. Best bet is keep them in their bottle, in a freezer zip bag, with all the air out. I also had some in a plastic pill box in my purse, the were almost liquid in a week. Again they work well and fast but can not withstand ANY humidity so use thick zip freezer bag, sealed tight with no air, and they should last a long time.

When I order a product like this in January I don't expect it to expire in July! That is not acceptable.

Buy Bayer Advanced Aspirin Extra Strength, 500mg, 20-Count Now

The item was delivered on time on 1/22/2013 but the expiry date printed out on the box shows 5/2013: way too SHORT for a box of Aspirin! Guess the product is not that fresh!! Disappointing!!

Read Best Reviews of Bayer Advanced Aspirin Extra Strength, 500mg, 20-Count Here


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