Adhesive Bandages

Accoutrements Pickle BandagesI picked these up on an impulse, tired of sporting Dora and Strawberry Shortcake bandages over my manly shaving-related mutilations. Just an impulse, good for a few chuckles, but I'm glad I did.

I like these bacon bandages. I love bacon, it makes everything tastier. You ever have scallops wrapped in bacon? Or, where I grew up, we had the francheezie, a quarter-pound dog, split up and filled with cheese, and wrapped with bacon. I love the idea of garnishing myself with bacon, and all it symbolizes. To my kosher cousins, the bacon serves as a slight, a defiant declaration that I will not be laden down by dogma and delusion. To my vegan brothers and sisters, the bacon is a visible symbol of my dishonor, a white-meat scarlet letter confessing my lack of grit: "I'm with you in spirit, comrades, but the flesh is weak."

I'm so fond of these band-aids that it's a little bit of a downer when my wounds heal up. I eager anticipate paper cuts. I'm actually contemplating getting a bacon tattoo. Let me know what you think.

These bacon bandages are so realistic that they may cause secondary injuries. I applied a bacon bandage to moderate cut on my left thumb and within 2 hours, 4 people attempted to bite me. These bites required more bacon bandages, which, in turn , were responsible for more bites. The amount of bites per bandage applied rose exponentially to the point where I may die from blood loss. I am in desperate need of some liver and onion bandages as these would be appealing only to geriatrics who would be easily fought off.

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What can one possibly say that isn't self explanatory?

Just as it looks Band-Aids that look like bacon.

Cool enough in it's own right.

I've been sitting here just *waiting* to cut myself just so I can slap one of these bad boys on, to the envy of all friends and coworkers.

There's no doubt that a slab of bacon will heal any wound.

Comes w/ "free toy" too a tiny little piglet figurine. How demented is that.

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NOTE: The description says "Contains twenty-five 3" x 3/4" band aids." THIS IS INCORRECT: THIS ITEM CONTAINS TWELVE (12) 1.5" X 1.75" BANDAGES, NOT 25 LARGER BANDAGES. I'll leave it to the individual consumer to decide whether the price is still right for half as many bandages, but I saw the smaller box cheaper elsewhere and bought these because I thought I was getting more for the price. Nope.

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As a way to improve customer service our nurse manager had all of us watch an inspirational movie called "Give 'em the pickle". These band aids were to co-workers to remind them even when they are having the patience tried by their patients to "give 'em the pickle". It puts smiles on their faces and helps to alleviate the tension. Very nice.

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