Silver Nitrate Applicators - Tube 100

Silver Nitrate Applicators - Tube 100Seems to be a fine product. The sticks all arrived intact with non of the disintegration of the silver nitrate tip that I have seen on occasion. Althoug seldom required, they are about the most efficient way of managing an acute kanker sore of the mouth and some other sites of granulating inflammatory tissues.

I would be wary purchasing an item from this seller. The sticks that I received had little or no nitrate on the stick. You can tell if there is adequate nitrate when the skin discolors to a dark brown/black. When using these sticks it turned the skin a very pale gray/white which indicated potassium but not silver nitrate. I am not surprised that they did not work for a previous reviewer. I emailed the company about the problem and they acted surprised and did not offer to replace the item nor did they discuss any refund. I shipped back the item over five weeks ago and have not received a refund or any communication from them. I will not be buying from this seller again.

Buy Silver Nitrate Applicators - Tube 100 Now

I dip the end of the stick in water and press on the canker sore for about 5-10 seconds. It doesn't even hurt! only stings a little. It turns the skin around the sore gray for a day or two. The sore is cauterized instantly.

This product saved my life! I have been dealing with chronic mouth ulcers for over 7 years and have seen 3 different doctors about them. All they would give me was lidocaine, which would only numb the sore temporarily (5 min) but not heal it. This is just what I neededsomething that would physically change the sore instead of numb it.

My quality of life is so much better. I get multiple sores at oncethe most I had was 7 at one time. (The doctor said it was from stress...) I would not eat for days. It hurt to smile, talk, drink water... I overdosed on lidocaine and got really sick and missed work. Never again!

I still get the soresI have had 21 in the last 3 months, including a MONSTER sore that didn't heal for 2 weeks, and left a scar. I wish I had the silver nitrate then!

CAUTION: This stains! If your saliva gets on your lip after using this it will make a black spot that will last 1-2 days. Same for teeth. What I do is hold a tissue in between my lips for awhile after using.

Another thing to be aware of is the potential for Argyria (skin permanently turns gray from silver in the body) ...I don't know if that could happen by using this. Anyone know???

Read Best Reviews of Silver Nitrate Applicators - Tube 100 Here

These Silver Nitrate applicators are magic. I used them once on the warts on my dogs warts on his head and with one treatment they were gone. My vet suggested I try these, it was cheaper then having them removed and less painful to my pet. All I had to do was dip the end of the stick in some distilled water and rub it on the wart. No messy creams, No bandages, No freezing, No burning, Nothing like that, I just rubbed it on once and within a week the wart turned black and fell off. Then he got a scab and that fell off and now its all gone, like it was never there! Amazing I would use this product again and again if the warts ever come back!

Want Silver Nitrate Applicators - Tube 100 Discount?

First let me start off by saying the product was a life saver for me! I had 3 nasty canker stores under my tongue which made it very painful to talk, eat, drink, and kept me awake at night. I was desperate and willing to try anything – and this worked for me! However, this product must be used properly and responsibly. Be aware that what you are doing is using a toxic substance to inflict an intentional chemical burn, in an attempt to cauterize the wound(s) in your mouth. I only used this after several days of rinsing with salt water did not seem to be helping. Also, be aware that you do not want to get this anywhere except the intended areas. So be careful when handling these, and keep away from your skin, eyes, children, etc. The steps I followed (compiled from various other reviews) are as follows:

Canker sore treatment that worked for me:

1. Depending on how well lit your "working area" is, a flashlight may be helpful to shine into your mouth. You will also need a mirror. A friend may also be desirable to hold the flashlight. Have a freezer size zip lock bag or some other safe way to dispose of the silver nitrate safely immediately after use.

2. Prepare two glasses of water, one large for rinsing your mouth, one smaller glass for dipping the silver nitrate.

3. Study your mouth, and know your game plan.

4. If possible, use a cloth to dry the area(s) you plan to treat. ( I did my best here, but the area was still quite wet)

5. Open the tube wearing rubber gloves, remove a stick, and dip the end with the bulb into the small glass of water. Then, dump that glass of water down the drain.

6. Using the mirror (and also flashlight if needed) apply the tip of the silver nitrate to the sore(s) for about 5 seconds on each sore (it will sting). The sores will turn a greyish color (the chemical burn).

7. When done treating the area(s), drop the used stick safely into the ziplock bag.

8. Begin to pour the large glass of water into your mouth, keeping your mouth opened so that it flows out. Be sure not to swallow any water until you have thoroughly rinsed your mouth.

9. Lock unused product away from children

10. Wash your mouth out with salt water several times a day for the next few days to keep your mouth clean and help with the healing process.

For me, I noticed an immediate improvement. The next morning I was feeling almost back to normal. This stuff works miracles, just be careful with it. :-) Read as much as you can on it before using.


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