3M #574-35 35CT3/4x3 Strip Bandage

3M #574-35 35CT3/4x3 Strip BandageDon't you hate bandages that leave a sticky film of glue on your fingers after you remove them. I do. After years of putting up with bandaid brands nasty goo I found Nexcare Comfort bandages. They are cloth material or some such and move and stretch as you do. But the greatest thing is, ... that when you change them they come off CLEANLY. No sticky gooey stuff on your hands or wherever. Nexcare also makes a plastic bandage, but I don't recommend those, they will not come off cleanly. In fact they will tear to pieces leaving plastic and goo on your hand etc. So make sure you get the Nexcare "Comfort" model of bandage. You'll be glad you did. These are not waterproof bandages by the way, but most bandages aren't. Enjoy!


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