18 Remedy Starter Homeopathy Kit

18 Remedy Starter Homeopathy KitThis is an excellent beginner's kit for homeopathic treatment. Often, the problem with homeopathy is simply not knowing what to have on hand. This kit solves that problem and provides some basic info on how to use the remedies. The selection is excellent will cover most first aid requirements.

This is not a kit for self-treating major illness, but for most injuries and illnesses, it's fantastic! Pop out the Arnica for bumps and bruises, and you'll be amazed at alleviation of pain and rapid healing. Bee or insect sting? Apis will ease it. Smash a finger with the terrible nerve pain that results? Hypericum will likely take most of the pain away.

The kits are made by Helios, one of the very best manufacturers of homeopathic products. This kit is a great product at a great price. Try it and you'll be delighted. (Even skeptics have had their heads turned around on experiencing homeopathy. I know I was one.)

You might consider the book, Everyday Homeopathy, by David Gemmell, for a quick reference guide to selecting remedies for first aid purposes. I've found it to be an excellent and easy to follow guide in making selections. (http://www.amazon.com/Everyday-Homoeopathy-Beaconsfield-Homeopathic-Libra/dp/0906584442/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1357423925&sr=1-2&keywords=gemmell+homeopathy)

For someone just beginning with homeopathy, this is a great starter because you can learn about each remedy easily so you feel confident applying the basics. I found the remedies I have used to be potent and gentle at the same time. THANK YOU!

Buy 18 Remedy Starter Homeopathy Kit Now

This is a wonderful first aid kit to have on hand. I liked this kit so much and used it so often that I purchased one for my elderly parents. They travel several times a year and sometimes run into stomach upsets and and muscle strains. These remedies have helped them while traveling and at home. I have also watched the free online course that is offered with the kit and learned a great deal about homeopathy. I would recommend the course to anyone interested in learning the basics of homeopathy.

Read Best Reviews of 18 Remedy Starter Homeopathy Kit Here

I have used Mary's products for a number of health concerns and have always found them to be high quality and effective. I especially like this kit because of its versatility.

Want 18 Remedy Starter Homeopathy Kit Discount?

I have been using these homeopathy remedies since I became very ill with respiratory problems. I react very badly to medicine and had many side affects from the medicines the doctors wanted me to use. Also I was not getting better. So I began to work with a homeopathy and use the remedies suggested. I have not had serious respiratory ailments since then.


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